chipsfrish paprika potoato chips are pretty dope
chipsfrish paprika potoato chips are pretty dope
you just outgrew it. same shit, different words of the day
Rowling is a fucking idiot.
yeah no shit… i held her by the scruff and used a damp paper towel
also its primer :p
lol nice
thats onaa them tv’s
granted. at the end of the day though, the reliability/consistency of a mcdonalds cheeseburger is a stable constant in a mecurial world. they dont make crumbs. they’re essentially astronaut food
i was really hungover and had taken some painkillers with codeine and i had a single mcdonalds cheeseburg and it was dynamite
It is under 6 dollars in 2024 though https://www.statista.com/statistics/274326/big-mac-index-global-prices-for-a-big-mac/
triggers scare the shit out of me. we’d feed goldfish to one we had at the pet store i used to work at, you could hear its jaws snapping shut through the wall of the tank in the open air in a loud and busy pet store
yes…why cant dials
it sounds very hard, but is it right for the image? i thought the dang car was parked
we have a decent quality induction range and electric stove and we’d never bother considering to go back to gas
i enjoyed that
its blowing americans away
this is horse shit. I feel horrible about my life in the morning. after 9 i go out in my back garden and take deep breaths and look at the stars
its not that man, its that you go out here and say “it is only a matter of time” then admit you don’t really know what’s going on.
This thing is definitely going to happen!
I don’t really have a grasp of the fundamentals, but you know, I can predict the outcome.
Thats what I was bitching about.
The reality of why I’m going on at all is that I really, really don’t want to go through another disastrous pandemic. I lost immediate family members what feels like just a short time ago. So, I get a bit hot when people make predictions with a sense of assurity when we don’t actually know what will happen, when virologists know that they don’t know what will happen.
I wound up typing because after predicting doom you wrote that you didn’t even know why one of the more possible nightmare scenarios was even something to consider.