I think i will try unbound too :) Thank you!
I think i will try unbound too :) Thank you!
I think you can configure them to do so :)
I will give this one a try, had a eye on it before asking already :D
I had this setup a couple of months ago, worked great with gravity-sync :)
Not really, just fed up with remembering IP-Adresses :)
I use a arrow key, usually the arrow to the right
Vorallem wenn man bedenkt das es eine Jobsperre für Asylsuchende in den ersten paar monaten gibt…
Oh thank god i thoght about updating my servers last night but was too lazy to do so
He craves violence
Thank you, will also try this :)
Just downloaded it, thank you
I will give it a try!
I dont get why the jury from netherlands was banned aswell, felt really awful
Correction from comments: Not banned but stepped down, still felt wierd
Germany Public Vote awarded israel 12 points…
Switzerland deserved it, im suprised about germany, ireland deserved a bit better and i think fuckery happened with israel. Really bummed about netherlands tho.
Can we please talk about how switzerland slaps?!
I think the barrel on fire is a homage on the Frankfurther Hauptbahnhof
I see, they dont fuck around, as they should
For ToDos maybe Vikunja? Could be a bit much tbh.
Will test today after work if they require a account, if not the thumb goes up :)
Star Citizen works great on linux with Lutris. https://lutris.net/games/star-citizen/