Oh man, how do I account for anti-seize lube?
Dad, husband, and mechanical engineer based in beautiful New Jersey. On Reddit I’m u/engibineer.
Oh man, how do I account for anti-seize lube?
Thank you, I hadn’t considered that style. All the YouTube videos use the mechanical click type, but you’ve got me thinking that the simpler beam style might be better for my situation.
I’m running a Pixelfed instance off of an old PC in my house. Eventually I 'd like to set up a personal Lemmy instance as well.
Venus flytraps are great plants to keep, but they’re not effective for pest control, especially against tiny gnats. The gnats you have are probably fungus gnats and your houseplants’ soil is infested with their larvae. To get them under control you have to innoculate the soil with nematodes that eat the larvae. The particular brand I got on Amazon aren’t available anymore, but the species was s. feltiae and they worked really well. There might be other good or better nematodes, but that’s how you get rid of the gnats.
Where? I’m not a fan of her, but Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax proposal is just a way to capture some more revenue (to do the things I mentioned) on a more progressive basis. There aren’t really any claims here about fixing inequality.
Take another shower. Taxes aren’t used to fix inequality. They’re used to fund infrastructure and services that we all need. They’re also used sometimes to redistribute income, but the idea isn’t to solve inequality. The idea is to get some income, in one form or another, to people who cannot or should not work, like the sick, children, the elderly, and anyone else excluded from the workforce. This non-working population needs income as much as the working population does and it doesn’t make sense to force them to get it in inefficient and harmful ways. Taxation to solve inequality is a myth that isn’t happening.
Well, I’d definitely get the lawyers and CPAs to make sure that bag is secure and protect my family’s privacy as much as possible. After that…
AntennaPod is pretty great. Apparently it’s compatible with a synchronizing service called gpodder, which I believe you can run yourself.
Ugh I’ve never encountered a black widow, but I just felt that sentence.
You’re kind of talking about different things. Copyright should of course be abolished along with all private property. I don’t rule out compensation to your estate for organs harvested after death and there should definitely be a public bounty/reward system to encourage the living to donate.
You shouldn’t be able to opt out, or at least it should be very difficult to do so, because when you are dead what you have a say in that affects the living should be very limited, because those organs won’t matter to you anymore, and because those organs might matter very much to living people. Whether you trust society or not doesn’t matter anymore when you are dead.
I think recluses and widows do sometimes live around here in NJ, but I haven’t seen any yet. Regardless, I’m ready for them.
Because living people who are sick might need those organs, which would otherwise just go to waste in your corpse. Also, it good to have a steady supply of organs from the deceased in order to avoid perverse and exploitative market situations.
The only spiders I kill are the yellow sac spiders because they will bite you in your sleep and cause a nasty infection. It happened to me once.
That’s a good question, Rotting Cum. The only crimes I’m planning on right now are saving some money doing diy maintenance on the family car while finding an interesting little project for myself.