Entertaining, in a low-key sort of way. It’s definitely not as engrossing as the movies it rips off.
I have an interest in opensource software, weird/bad movies and alternative music.
Alt account: LaurenceWolse@lemmy.world
Entertaining, in a low-key sort of way. It’s definitely not as engrossing as the movies it rips off.
It’s not Queen’s Brian May. ;)
This one’s a bit more higher budget than the stuff that I usually post, but compared to the movies it rips off (Raiders, Romancing the Stone, The Final Countdown), this Aussie co-production is lowbudget.
Yup, those are the Scrotes. They’re masters of disguise. 🕶️🎩
A very tongue-in-cheek, and surprisingly wholesome, contemporary b-movie.
Thank you for making the effort to post these! You’re the 🐐
Have fun! 🇲🇽🛸🤖
It’s very entertaining. You can find it on YouTube. :)
Boobelicious, yes.
A fun b-movie curio from Mexico.
Doesn’t he look fabulous?! 😎
Well, you’re in luck then, because this is a Vincent Price hamfest. ;)
Have fun!
A super fun b-movie starring Vincent Price and Diana Rigg. Theatre of Blood has surprisingly creative kills.
It’s true! Not nearly as much stuttering/sexy accents though…
A lo-fi science fiction jam produced by Charles Band.
A cheap, shot-on-video supernatural slasher with quite a bit of charm.
Ja, ik ben all-in Lemmy gegaan door gelijk mijn reddit account te verwijderen. Uiteindelijk was ik daar ook meer een lurker dan dat ik er dingen poste. Enkele interessante subreddits volg ik overigens nog wel via RSS feeds. Ik vind hier op Lemmy de interacties ook kwalitatief hoogwaardiger, dus ik mis reddit zeker niet.
It’s seems like more money went to the pyrotechnics. ;)