Leate Woncelsace

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Intelligence has a genetic component. Every single test we have that attempts to measure intelligence that we’ve checked for heritability shows that intelligence likely has a generic component. Furthermore, we know that some species are more intelligent than others. Given the demonstrable existence of Darwinian evolution, this implies that some populations of a species are more or less intelligent than another because that’s a requirement for a speciation event that results in a species that’s more intelligent than its cousin species.

    Anyone who says otherwise is likely allowing their ideology to cloud their judgement.

  • This is a false equivalency

    No, it isn’t. Russia is making an unprovoked attack on Ukraine. Allowing them to have any benefits from this attack at all encourages them to try this again, which they certainly would. Trusting Russia to keep to an agreement is like trusting a dingo in a nursery. They promised to respect Ukraine’s territory in exchange for Ukraine giving up their nuclear arsenal, and this is the result. The United States guaranteed their security as part of this deal. If Russia were honest, they would never have invaded. If the US were honest, they would have put boots on the ground and sent their own military in to counter the invasion. At the end of the day, Ukraine should’ve just kept the nukes.

    There will be peace when Putin is dead and Russia withdrawals.