Lenins_Cat_Reincarnated [he/him]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 5th, 2024

  • That sucks for all parties involved. Therapy can help but in the meantime it might be worth it to look into some good quality ear plugs or noice cancelling headphones. I relate to the anxiety that the sound can reappear at any moment, and it’s truly awful. Wearing ear plugs makes me feel a lot safer because it gives reassurance that I won’t hear anything as long as I keep them in so it gives me control of the situation. I now always wear them as soon as any sound triggers my misophonia and it has made my symptoms a lot more manageable. My tolerance became higher because I’m no longer constantly in a state of stress.

  • I’ve heard that the transition process can really change ones perspective on surgery and stuff which is why I keep an open mind. I don’t worry about it, but it’s very silly to have these internal contradictions. I was also very sure that I didn’t want any surgery at first lol but now I’m definitely open to it.

    A few years ago when I was definitely very cis I dug into the rabbit hole of gender affirming surgery for trans men and was super fascinated by how advanced the industry is. I’m sure it was just my innocent curiosity and that it doesn’t say anything about my internally hidden desires :)

  • Ah that makes sense, that puts you in a difficult spot. Thanks for the context.

    Maybe something to consider is that asking someone out is not necessarily a negative experience for the recipient if they’re not interested. It often becomes a negative experience after the rejection is not well responded to.

    That’s not to say that your hesitation is invalid, I understand that you might not think that it’s appropriate to ask your crush out under these circumstances. Also if you just enjoy hanging out with them then they would probably appreciate your friendship after their precious negative experiences with org members.

    Your crush posting is cute though, I enjoy reading them :)

  • health anxiety

    Had a check-up at the dr recently and they found something weird and me being blob-no-thoughts
    and dr acting like it’s no biggie I didn’t think much of it.

    Did some tests for finding a possible cause that came out negative. Finally I got curious so did some internet searchings and found out that the weird thing dr observed is actually pretty scary because the most probable cause means getting a very invasive surgery that has chance of life ruining complications. Even if the surgery is successful it will cut my life expectancy and I wouldn’t be able to do some of the things I enjoy doing now. Most less scary causes have been eliminated so probability of big scary cause is getting even higher.

    I’ve been referred to the hospital for further tests but the waiting list is a few weeks and in the meantime I’m just going ohnoes in the back of my mind constantly while trying to go on with my daily tasks.