I would say it’s the world’s syphilis.
Full time Midwestern Cat Rancher. Part time Network Engineer (Have to pay for the ranch).
I would say it’s the world’s syphilis.
This is what all those other distractions are for.
No bill introduced by a Democrat has a Snow ball’s chance in hell for the next four years minimum. If we’re lucky. And we’re not.
It’s not piracy. For corporations. For you and me believe it or not, straight to jail!
Not the Superbowl. A Superbowl event. Plan on showing up, eating food and then retreating to an office I have nearby.
I’ve done enough. Who’s saying I haven’t?
About the only good advice in the Bible. Don’t build on sand!
This is our game. We do dinner and Dungeons and Dragons.
Their buns get soggy.
Just assign the jobs to the prisoners. Think about the savings!
I wish it was an option. At least I get paid and there’s food.
Well they did innovate a new bill.
If you want to visit your old friends in the dying mall. Go to feeds then friends. Should filter everything else out.
Elon Musk gets his best ideas from Ben Chang.
I have a hard time with brushing my teeth because of an extremely sensitive gag reflex. Two things that have helped me.
The first is an electric toothbrush. I don’t have to move it vigorously as a regular toothbrush. Plus it has a little timer to let me know when to switch from top, bottom, front, back.
The second is something pleasing to look at that is easily in my line of sight while brushing my teeth. We have a tissue box that has birds and flowers and butterflys on it. This helps keep me grounded instead of something that might trigger me like the sink drain.
I know this one! You realize it many years later while quietly laying in bed. “OMG, she was hitting on me!”
There is also the “Their face is looking weird, this is one of those trauma stories I shouldn’t share with normal people.” And you’re just trying to tell what to you is a funny story.
Purchased a 3D printer back in November when I found out he won. Knew this was coming.
What does his status as a veteran have anything to do with it?
The little gif of the computer shaking, causing me to question my eyesight further. Thanks I hate it.