• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Lichtblitztoich_iel@feddit.orgIch_iel
    1 month ago

    Wer darf denn so eine allgemeine, Gesetze unterwandernde Ausnahmegenehmigung ausstellen? Habt ihr wenigstens Ausgleichszeiten dafür oder ist das eine einseitige Streichung?

    EDIT: alles klar, Eigentor:

    Ebenso gibt es die Möglichkeit für Tarifvertragsparteien gemäß § 7 Abs.1 ArbZG (sog. Tariföffnungsklausel), die Ruhezeit um bis zu zwei Stunden zu kürzen, wenn die Art der Arbeit dies erfordert und die Kürzung innerhalb eines festzulegenden Zeitraums ausgeglichen wird.

  • Postgres handles NoSQL better than many dedicated NoSQL database management systems. I kept telling another team to at least evaluate it for that purpose - but they knew better and now they are stuck with managing the MongoDB stack because they are the only ones that use it. Postgres is able to do everything they use out of the box. It just doesn’t sound as fancy and hip.

  • I never needed it. I know from my school days that windows supports that use case. You get a full system and can do with it as you please but on reboot you get a completely fresh file system. The only thing that persisted were the user profiles that roamed through active directory. Seemingly there was no way of tampering with the file system, that would persist a reboot. And as school kids we tried hard 😅

    I would be surprised if Linux didn’t have utilities for that, that were better designed and safer - but again, not my expertise.

  • Sure. Not all directories are protected and the ones that are, are just protected from immediate write access. A malicious app or a user who copies the wrong snippets can create overlays and apply them immediately without a reboot. Having atomic distros is awesome but it has nothing to do with immutability and it someone needed that for example for PCs that are in random control at least some of the time, then they need a different solution on top, that gives actual immutability.