Ich hab’s auch nich mitgekriegt und sekundiere die Frage.
Ich hab’s auch nich mitgekriegt und sekundiere die Frage.
Almost as if what’s in the photo, for all we know, might be strawberry mush.
The original original post.
… Nah. I’m already slightly annoyed that I now know there’s new characters (yes, I also know, rationally, that new characters are unavoidable). I don’t want to know anything, just like I went into season 1 knowing absolutely nothing but the title.
Listen, I know that the FDA in the US is banning that one type of red dye - even though I’m not from the US. That’s how unavoidable the topic is if you’re just a little too online. That’s the cultural context. Now show me in the original post where it says “red dye”.
The post is about sauce that happens to be red. The post cleverly avoids saying “food dye” and everybody just assumes it must be about food dye because of cultural context.
Oh shit. Ohshitohshitohshit this is the reference that I need for my project, I love you, let me credit you, unknown photographer person!
My main point being that not every food that is red has artificial food dye in it.
I have ADHD and probably also the 'tism and I’ve never felt like hurting others or myself after eating sauce that happened to be red because it contained red ingredients. After eating anything, really, for that matter.
There may also be evidence of certain red foods being red because of ingredients other than red food dye.
Honest question: why do you want that? What would you do with it? Tbh, I’m not even entirely certain I know what it is you’re looking for. “Character templates”?
Bin weder Herr weder jung,
Schmeiß’ ungeleitet auf euch mit Dung.
A new Whovian, how nice!
Gotta be honest, I don’t get that either.
What exactly was it you expected?
Also why we endlessly do the hip wiggle to avoid going to the loo until it hurts.
“Just do [X]” does not compute, whether X is “yoga”, “sports”, “[specific diet]”, “the laundry”, or simply “it”. It is never simply “just”. The inability to “just” start doing a thing (especially without any immediate reward) is one of the central symptoms of ADHD and if you say “just do [X]”, you’re essentially saying “just don’t have ADHD”.
ADHD also doesn’t mean you are/were bad in school. Not by a long shot.
Huh. Gut zu wissen, danke.