Indoctrinated is precisely the word I use to describe my pro military upbringing. Many people join young, realise what’s up and leave after minimum terms. I have no shame in saying I was basically brainwashed when I was younger.
Indoctrinated is precisely the word I use to describe my pro military upbringing. Many people join young, realise what’s up and leave after minimum terms. I have no shame in saying I was basically brainwashed when I was younger.
Something about eggs in one basket.
This is fucked up. The president doesn’t cause everything bad that happens in their term. And why are you wishing for more deaths?
Can’t wait for this to happen to humans. Also the creepy transition period when it happens to pets and livestock.
Doesn’t go far enough, remove pronouns from the email body too.
To it may concern. Notice did not complete task before deadline. Please can provide update? Look forward to reply.
There has never been a serious investigation into how much wind or solar you need to remove from the climate system before causing a noticeable impact, because it isn’t a serious concern. There is probably some theydidthemath type content to show how ridiculous the idea is.
It’s a great pen, but I haven’t bought any for years since joining the refillable pen club. Fountain pens are great, but you can also get refillable ball points. I thought for sure I would lose it, but you spend a little more and you really make sure to look after it.
I do sort of understand. Things got more efficient, so they can do more with less. They could also do even more with the same amount.
The bubble might have some more life.
Yes. Half the eggs you get in the supermarket actually come from splitting open the males rather than waiting for them to grow old enough to lay them.
Waiting until my dog has fleas before treatment is insane. I know this is a complex issue, but my understanding was that tablet based treatments don’t cause any issues to wildlife.
I’ve checked the active ingredients in the treatment I give my dog and none of them are listed in the article or study.
Rather than stopping preventative measures for pets, legislation for the ingredients seems like a better direction.
This is complete bullshit. I would love all the drivers to go full protest, say fuck in the first press event and all get suspended for a month.
I asked a similar question about solutions to this. There is a tags feature coming that I’m really excited for that will really help. This will allow more robust filtering and customisation of your feed.
Don’t be a grammar republican.
I just assumed this channel was dead. Nice.
Amazing! I’m so excited.
It’s acceptable. There are too many problems with the death penalty to ever justify it. I’m expecting this person to have a tough time in prison due to what they did, so in some ways this could be worse for them, if retribution rather than rehabilitation is your preference. So long as they are away from society it is a good result.
2009scape!? If it’s what I think it is that is amazing. Legend
You’ve already had a good reply, but I’ll go more general. I want to see the news. I don’t want to see news about Elon. I want to see memes, but not memes about Trump.
It isn’t realistic to have communities for everyone’s preferences.
I’m using keyword filters here and I’m getting memes, screenshots of twitter or content that naturally creeps through. What is the advantage of RSS in that regard? I’m keen to check it out if it works.
Oh no! Won’t someone please think of the investors?
If you haven’t got money for improvements, stop diverting the money you did have into your own pockets. 17 billion in debt?! Fuck you.