Mantikora [none/use any]

From shit hole called Croatia, wrestling people for peace, engaged around Gaza, on Lexapro, have 3 cats, love to mingle with online people and trying to quit weed.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 22 days ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2024


  • In the old house we had a colony of ants under the house and they would break through the concrete walls to get in and jump on cats’ food. One day, one of my cats vomited and I was in a rush for work, so I didn’t clean it. When I got home, the vomit was gone. Ants were my little helpers and since then they had every right on our house during their season. Spiders were also welcome. I don’t have to tell you that our house looked like a house from horror movies whole spring, summer and early autumn. My animal roommates always had the same rights as us humans. Only moths and mosquitoes were on the black list and surprisingly, we never had a cockroach. Ok, there was one because the shed across was ew, and he was murdered, but he was the only one that visited us. Moths, I’m so sorry for killing you, but I want my food and clothes to last. Hate buying new clothes.

    Anyways, ants are great.

  • But what I challenge you to do is not go around thinking “I can’t use that word because I’m not supposed to” but instead think “I want to show solidarity with those people who want to make a name for themselves by not putting them down.”

    Well, that’s the reason why I asked. I mean, when we learn why something is bad, when we learn the other perspective, then we try not to do/say it anymore because when something gains weight and you continue to do/say it anyways, then you’re a prick. If I don’t have understanding behind a rule, I can only imply it because I was told not to and I personally don’t like that. I like to learn and be mindful of why I can’t do or say something. In the end, if we don’t do or say something because it’s forbidden, it doesn’t accomplish anything. Knowing why it’s forbidden is how we eliminate those bad patterns of expressing and evolve as better people. At least I believe that.

  • Oh, f slur is here pretty common when you want to say that someone is a lousy person. Even my gay friends use it. I’m telling you, Balkans is a really wild place and growing up here as old millennial as well and now being social only online among different people and different generations, I’ve started to think about the way we use words. And yeah, my first reaction is “you don’t get to tell me how to speak” until I realize that it really isn’t ok to say it and sometimes I really need an explanation to understand it and stop doing it. Call me stupid, I won’t get offended because I really can be stupid sometimes, that’s why I asked this.