Maoo [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Misandry exists in non-systemic forms and the line of logic that says otherwise, in addition to being just plain incorrect, is easy for liberals to weaponize against us and against the concept of solidarity. I have seen this way of thinking used many times to split up groups rather than focusing on education and solidarity. It also runs contrary to several socialist analyses of this topic that are essentially dialectical where misogyny creates the basis for misandry, for example. This tweet is a good example of it. Patriarchal oppression creates (justified) disproportionate fear and distrust of men among non-men. Men must then also contend with being feared and distrusted.

    And as you can see from “the discourse”, men are often not equipped with ways to constructively deal with this reality and go down the reactionary path that tells them it’s very unfair to them but without placing blame on the patriarchy itself - nor the underlying material basis for the patriarchy. It’s our job to provide our own, more correct understanding of what is happening that pipelines the people who could move in our direction and have solidarity with us.

    To be clear, I’m not suggesting bending over backwards to chase those that often benefit from oppression. Sometimes people overcorrect and make their spaces crappy and tolerate reactionary sentiment to be “inclusive” (I’ve seen it!). But it’s self-limiting and counterrevolutionary to fail to educate and include those who do seek solidarity and working in our fight. We are much stronger together. Take the money from class traitors. Take the white people willing to put their bodies on the line for BLM. Take the Christians standing between Proud Boys and your Palestinian encampment. Or at least, try to educate them.

  • Those are all real they’re just far less common and are minor in comparison to their “complement”. They tend to be an internalized reaction to that complement even, of recognizing who primarily targets you and makes you unsafe.

    They lack systemic power but that doesn’t change whether they exist as prejudices and in the ways we interact with one another.

    There are also situations in which localized power structures for them do exist. Small groups like clubs or sports teams. Obviously a smaller impact but still real and still alienating.

  • I would avoid it. I would also only buy a car like this if it came with a decent warranty or you took it to a shop of your choice to get it inspected first. The most expensive and risky parts of a car are all internal and require a proper inspection. Alternatively if you got a fantastic deal from a trusted person that’s trying to help you out (which must be distinguished from a charlatan telling you they’re helping you out while ripping you off).

    You have the right idea though imo. A Corolla with less than 150,000 miles is right in that price range and is the most likely thing to keep chugging along for years.

  • but also cultural eradication for example by abducting and reeducating children

    Moving children away from a warzone and putting them in school.

    the suppression of cultural items like language (which Russia has done like forever, but especially since the beginning of the occupation in 2014)

    You have it reversed. Ukraine has been guilty of this, doing an ethnic cleansing in its Eastern regions since at least 2014 that includes a Ukrainization of ethnic Russians and the Russian language, with violent suppression and an indiscriminate shelling campaign from Ukronazis.

    If you walk through the sources in your Wikipedia post that you cited without even deigning to say what about it you found supportive, it gets even dumber.

    The first is from Euromaidan Press, a liberal Soros-funded rag that draws the same kinds of editorialized conclusions, such as that children using Russian language textbooks in an area, again, shelled out by UA Nazis is a bad thing. UA is their enemy, killing them, and the RF took this opportunity to have soft power via direct aid, i.e. providing teaching materials free of charge and, being the only source of supplies, creating a Russian market in the area. You’d have to have no understanding whatsoever of Euromaidan itself to think this is surprising let alone evidence of RF committing fucking genocide. These publications even wrote a number of articles on the anti-Russian ethnic cleansing going on, but since the RF invasion they’ve completely reversed course to try and pretend nothing they said actually happened lest you be less supportive of the Nazi shock troops. The link to the banning of Ukrainian language in Crimea does not work. The claim is simply false, Ukrainian is an official language of Crimea. There were sporadic and local attempts to ban it, with limited success.

    Anyways I was going to go through all of these but now I’m bored. I recommend that you acquire the habit of reading before sharing your opinions.