MelaniaTrump [undecided]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2020


  • Yep.

    1. Biden was a key bipartisan supporter of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005 that made it easier for lenders to squeeze money from distressed families trying to file for bankruptcy.

    2. Biden repealed parts of the Glass-Steagall Act, allowing commercial banks, investment banks, and insurance companies to consolidate (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999), and directly set us up for the 2008 financial crisis that caused huge wealth consolidation in America.

    3. He voted for the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which lowered the top marginal tax rate from 50% to 28%.

    Hell, even at various points in the debate he was incoherently complaining about these things like he didn’t directly contribute to this bullshit.

  • This is pure media framing folks. The decision was made already for him to drop out - Pelosi broadcast it hard with “I think it’s a legitimate question”. But the DNC isn’t interested in the narrative being “Biden drops out due to bad debate performance”, but instead wants some performative bullshit like “Biden drops out due to media pressure distracting the American people from discussing the core issues at hand in the race.” So they’ll spend the next week or two spinning up a shitstorm of a media riot with whiplashing messages.

    In reality grandpa shit the bed and killed his own campaign in a single night. Oopsie.

  • In the tumultuous theocratic monarchy of the United Kingdom, an island nation marked by instability and recent shifts in leadership, Buckingham Palace has disclosed that King Charles III is battling cancer. This development adds to the nation’s ongoing leadership crisis, intensified by the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II. The type of cancer remains undisclosed, casting a veil of secrecy over the king’s health and highlighting concerns about transparency. At 75, Charles’s withdrawal from public duties to undergo treatment underscores the fragile state of the regime. Amidst regular treatments and vows to return to duty, this episode exposes the deepening cracks within a monarchy struggling to uphold its ancient aristocratic traditions against the backdrop of its decline from a global powerhouse to a state grappling with internal strife and a succession of ephemeral leaders.
