I hope I live to see the death of private banking. It’s insane how much of the fuckery in the world that originates in banking.
I hope I live to see the death of private banking. It’s insane how much of the fuckery in the world that originates in banking.
I would love to make the switch, but I am certain that absolutely zero of my government mandated apps will run on this thing.
I actually teach teenagers programming and 3D modelling. The past 5 years has been the first decline in tech literacy I’ve ever experienced between generations. My personal theory is that only the gamers actually have computers at home now. Everyone else only use their smartphones, and that only gives a negligible increase in tech literacy compared to using a computer.
Tillykke med din lækre laptop! KDE er så tæt på Windows som det kan blive, hvis du engang tør smide Windows-lænkerne :)
EDIT: KDE har også et Apple-level godt økosystem på tværs af enheder, hvis du smider KDE Connect på din mobil.
Angry and nihilistic teenagers used to have tech skills and laptops. Now they have iPads and TikTok.
Vi kan afskaffe ligegyldige overforbrugsjobs som det meste af reklamebranchen? Der vil være noget poetisk over at de personer som har fyldt skraldespandene med ligegyldigt brandfill, selv kan få lov til at tømme dem.
While we’re at it, give Kurdistan back to the Kurds as well
Definitely making tortillas tonight, thanks for the inspiration
Wait, did the vinyl of time skip and send us back to '68?
A lot of glass bottles aren’t melted down, but simply washed and reused.
It’s better than the system in Sweden. You can get an optional loan on top of the base benefit (with a very cheap interest rate) of up to $520 every month.
I rarely enjoy schadenfreude, but I will savor every moment of the fall of Mr. Beast, the cancer of YouTube.
I can’t wait for the bubble to burst, so we can finally get affordable GPU’s again
Or the fact that we actually pay people to study (~1000 USD a month), instead of putting them into crippling lifelong debt.
Tech bros underestimating the complexity of real life yet again
Never underestimate the effect dust can have on airflow and cooling in general
Don’t give them any ideas. So many universes ended this way.
Mandated is the wrong word. “Required for absolutely everything” is more precise. In Denmark you need an app called “MitID” to do any kind of digital verification. You can’t do online purchases, banking or digital bureaucracy without it.