• 16 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2021


  • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.mltoScience Memes@mander.xyzMorish Morals
    3 months ago

    Jerma: That is the single most fucked up thing I have ever seen, the single most- get me a seat. Right now, I want a seat for that table. … chat i’m not going to eat the rocks, I’m not gonna do it. That would be- why would I eat the rocks? It’s a rock, it’s going to be crunchy and hard and it’s not going to taste good, and I- you know what, mods ban that guy. I don’t wanna see them, time em out for… 3 minutes. Get em outta here.

  • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.mltoScience Memes@mander.xyzthe struggle
    3 months ago

    The idea of taking a complicated system and boiling it down to an essential value (or set of values) that describe everything is high-key fascism. It’s fine to simplify a system to better understand it, but the moment you start saying these abstractions have any kind of predictive capability outside their original contexts, that’s when you start getting into the eugenics shit.

  • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.mltoScience Memes@mander.xyzthe struggle
    3 months ago

    I remembered doing that when I did my first foray into dating and I remembered putting it on the same level of “what kind of dere are you” Obviously I took all of that shit down because it was turning everyone the fuck off and I didn’t even like it in the first place.

  • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.mltoScience Memes@mander.xyzthe struggle
    3 months ago

    INTJ is the “Libertarian Left” of quack psychology; the test is set up to put people in that category so they feel special, and annoying people with no personality fall for it every single time because it’s the closest thing they will ever have to an identity outside “video games” and “weed”

  • My experience of using AI: Creating something from the bottom of my heart and putting in hours of fighting against its default weights to get it barely presentable, then spending even more time to fix all the imperfections to the point I may as well have just done it myself, only to have everyone I show it to freak out at me for using AI and assume that I’m falling to the technocapitalist dork side. Like I was bored and wanted to fuck around with the latest thing, i’m not going to all of a sudden start firing my whole staff or shilling for cryptocurrency. I don’t even see it as a tool, it’s a toy, and not a very good one at that. Maybe good for a novelty but it wears off extremely fast.

  • Socialists are extremely good at economics, because they throw out all the capitalist indoctrination garbage that economics is plagued with. Opinions about Carl M and Freddy E aside, their knowledge and communication of economics is second to none; that book is still making solid predictions to this day and all of that despite the myriad of large mistakes and flaws its writers ended up having to correct early on.

    Capitalists on the other hand are some of the stupidest motherfuckers out there. All marketing crap, models that don’t make any sense at all (but it makes sense to them and you’re the idiot for not understanding) and they always run their companies into the ground whenever someone is stupid enough to put them in charge. I specially remembered one business course I took way back when being so completely and utterly full of shit that I wasn’t surprised when I later heard that he got himself banned from teaching after they found out he was a scam artist who was consistently grifting their way into trying to get people to buy into their marketing crap. I’ll just take their word on it; I wouldn’t know because I left that waste of oxygen’s class half-way and from what I heard the rest didn’t last much longer. I presume the only reason it took them so long to find out what he was doing is because nobody actually made it to the end to receive the scam payload.