• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • They should get rid of the copyright claim system since it gets badly abused and just use DCMA since it’s illegal to file a false DCMA claim.

    Oh yeah, it’s not like DMCA is abused by scammers to falsely claim profits from others’ videos. If it’s illegal, that means nobody will do it! /s

    I mean, this is what TikTok does, and creators have found that it introduces a whole new list of problems. Mainly due to the fact that fake automated re-uploader accounts are rampant, and there’s virtually no recourse for the creators. DMCA claiming stuff on TT gets the videos removed. But the bots that run the accounts just reupload everything in 5 minutes and carry on like it never happened. Popular streamers and content creators have dozens or hundreds of fake accounts that do nothing but steal their content and reupload it.

    And TT won’t take action on individual accounts without a hilarious amount of overwhelming evidence. And even if they delete the account, there’s nothing stopping the content thief from just spinning up a new account.

    There’s also the whole “court documents can be faked” thing. Since DMCA is a dispute between individual content owners, (YT is a third party, not the content owner,) they’d need to devise an entire department for dealing with DMCA lawsuit settlements. Because when you make a DMCA takedown claim, that’s you vs the other person. If they dispute it, it happens in court. But there would be nothing stopping the scammers from just faking the “we won the lawsuit” court documents. So now YT needs an entire department dedicated to tracking individual court cases, (which they aren’t even involved in, because they’re not the content owners,) and verifying the results of said cases. And they get tens of thousands of DMCA takedowns per day. Even if only 1% of those go to court, it’s still an obscene number of cases to track and verify.

    A lot of the DMCA scammers on YouTube will make their claims from India (even if they don’t live in India) because it causes any potential disputes to get muddied in international laws and makes tracking the individual down nearly impossible in the first place.

  • Those require registering. The kitchens are so overwhelmed (and there are some really shitty people) so they have to make sure you’re not just using the food bank for an easy meal ticket and taking food out of the mouths of people who genuinely can’t afford it. Some shitty people started going around to all the local food banks and collecting from all of them, then reselling what they had been given. Basically just straight up fraud.

    To combat that, the kitchens started taking ID from the people who use it, and notifying all of the other kitchens that John Smith, DOB 01/01/1990 just got food. So when that same John Smith shows up at a kitchen across town 20 minutes later, they know he’s a scammer. Churches do the same with their philanthropy; They’ll often give out gift cards or canned food to the homeless, but it requires registering because some shitty people ruined it. They started hitting all of the local churches, to resell the gift cards.

  • My friend accidentally ended up befriending one of the largest distributors of LSD in the country. She didn’t even know until she went to a party with him, and he whipped out a pint sized dropper bottle full of acid. Each drop was $10. That one bottle was worth like $80,000.

    She didn’t go to any parties with him after that. Apparently she had a great time that evening, but the anxiety of “what if he gets busted while I’m hanging out with him” kept her from being comfortable around him. She did learn some fascinating things from him though.

    Apparently LSD producers are very hippie and do it purely for love of the substance; They just want to spread it to as many people as possible. They sell to the distributors basically at cost, which is how it’s able to stay so cheap per hit; $10 will last you pretty much all day, unless you’re regularly doing massive doses and have built a resistance to it. That’s also why LSD isn’t trafficked by groups like gangs or cartels; The suppliers simply won’t sell to them, because they don’t want the gangs and cartels fighting over it and increasing street prices.

    It’s also incredibly easy for traffickers to hide, so the risk of getting caught is low. It dissolves in alcohol, so traffickers can just throw it into a vodka bottle in the trunk of their car. If they get pulled over and searched, they just say it’s left over liquor from a party they went to last week. As long as they’re sober while driving, cops can’t bust them for just having liquor in their trunk.

  • The nice part about Ground is that they take the event being reported on, then show the news sources and how they’re reporting on them.

    For instance, let’s say a white cop shoots a black jogger. Ground will take the news sources for that event, and line them up on a left/right bias chart based on their historic reporting records. So you can see how the two sides (and the center) are reporting on the same story. For instance, AP (historically just left of center) will be very dry, and only report “police shoot black jogger”. Far right outlets will post something about a heroic officer protecting communities, being forced to shoot a fleeing black man. And far left outlets will post about white supremacist cops gunning down an innocent black man.

  • It’s because the training materials aren’t aimed at the typical Lemmy user who knows how to dual-boot Linux and built their own hackintosh for fun. It’s aimed at Jim in accounts receivable, who is 2 years away from retirement and hasn’t learned any new tech literacy skills in the entire 23 years he’s been with the company. It’s aimed at Pam in HR, who panics and says the internet is broken because she deleted her Chrome desktop shortcut for the fifth time this week. It’s aimed at Jill in accounts payable, who called IT to say her computer wasn’t working, (the power was out in the entire building, because a trash truck hit the power lines across the street.)

    IT deals with a lot of BS, from users who don’t know anything about how computers or modern scams/hacks work. KnowBe4 is aimed that those users, because an organization’s security is only as impenetrable as its dumbest “oh hey I found a USB drive outside the front doors. I’m gonna plug it in to see what’s on it” users.

  • I’m an event planner. People won’t return my emails or phone calls about the most basic things. Oh, you want a full stage crew to be at your show? And you’re only telling me this the day before your event starts? Gee, it’s a good thing I’m good at my job, and already planned for your last minute request.

    Because when I asked about your labor needs two months ago, a month ago, three weeks ago, two weeks ago, 10 days ago, 7 days ago, 5 days ago, 5 days ago, 5 days ago, 4 days ago, 4 days ago, 4 days ago, 3 days ago, and 2 days ago, you didn’t seem super enthusiastic about giving me an answer. But now it’s suddenly the most important thing in the world, and I’m expected to just pull an entire show crew out of my ass to have at your event. Believe it or not, those workers are people with their own lives, and they appreciate being told more than one day in advance if they’re going to be working.

    We’re on the same side here. I want your event to go well. I don’t want to be bothered with off-hours phone calls because your event is a dumpster fire. So help me help you. My entire job is to help you get in the door, and make sure the (adequately staffed) crew has the right gear for the job. But I can’t do that if you won’t even tell me what type of event you’re planning, or what time it starts.

  • Yup. As with most collector’s stuff, the rare shit is the stuff that wasn’t mainstream. Everyone owned a copy of your favorite Disney movie, which means there are thousands of copies still in circulation. If you want to get the expensive stuff, you need to be lucky enough to be into the niche shit that later blew up into a cult classic; Low supply, high demand.

    This is why the pristine #1 comics of popular comic book characters are so coveted. Characters got introduced all the time, but nobody knew which ones would get popular and which ones would end up fizzling out and fading into obscurity. And the ones that did get popular usually did so well after people (usually kids) had already read their copies of the comic and degraded them. Because kids aren’t good at taking care of delicate things like comic books. So the only grade 10 copies are the ones bought by speculators, who guessed that the character may blow up some day and get popular.

  • I disagree, simply because democrats are statistically much less likely to vote at all. There are more democrats than republicans, but history has shown that they simply don’t turn up to the voting booth when they don’t like the current pick. Maybe the fear of Trump will be enough to get them in to vote… But that was Biden’s strategy for getting votes too, and look how well that panned out for him.

  • And yet we still don’t have abortion protections, gunshot wounds are the #1 cause of death in children, the housing market is on fire, the “minimum wage should be $15” conversation has been going on for so long that it should be nearly $30 now, there is an activist republican supermajority in the SCOTUS, and there are openly fascist candidates as republican front runners because the Overton window has shifted so far right.

    Democrats haven’t been winning elections because people have been excited about good democrat candidates; They have been winning because democrat voters are terrified of a republican in office.

  • It’s really up to the individual organizations to fix. There’s not going to be some global “congrats, we pushed and update and now everything is fine” patch, because the crash is preventing a patch from being loaded. It requires manual intervention on every single affected machine. If it’s a large organization with a lean IT team, that could mean days or weeks until every single machine is actually fixed; They’ll be prioritizing the mission-critical systems, so they’ll triage. Start with the wide reaching systems, then the most important employees. The intern will just have to wait.