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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023

  • A psychiatrist explained to me, years ago, that women are much more likely to attempt suicide, but by using less-violent means, are much less-likely to succeed in terminating their lives.

    Males are less likely to try it, but more likely to succeed.

    Girls/women usually try pills, overdoses, guys usually try something violent.

    See the “more suicides are tried by girls & women” part of the equation, not just the “more successful suicides are by males” part of the equation.

    ( I’ve faint marks from when I opened both wrists with a scalpel-blade, when I was about 10yo, and haven’t had the guts to intentionally make-absolutely-certain of my termination … perhaps-ever.

    Both parts of the equation I’m identifying are offensive/wrong, and mis-representing of what’s actually going on, as various “activist” factions do, is what I’m attacking. )

  • In hammers, hickory is the best.

    A Vaughn ( spelling? ) California Framer, with hickory handle, is THE framing hammer, and I never want to hear about Estwing steel-shaft hammers again.

    The shock-absorption in the hickory is wonderful.

    ( I’ve never worked as a framer, but I have worked a few years as the grunt-guy on construction sites, and have tried many different tools, trying to find the ones that work properly for years )

    The only question is whether the springiness of hickory would make it prone to falling-off the file quicker than rock-maple would…

    Mind you, humidity expansion/contraction would probably be a factor in that, so maybe sealing the stuff, soaking it in varnish or something?

    Anyways, it’s an experiment I’d do, and if the hickory doesn’t work-out, then try rock maple, see?

  • “Once the easy-to-extract oil is consumed, then only costly-to-extract oil exists to be consumed, and sooner or later the cost becomes too-much to justify.”

    “Once the easy-to-extract water is consumed, then only costly-to-extract water exists to be consumed, and sooner or later the cost becomes too-much to justify.”

    It’s the same problem.

    Oil isn’t self-renewing, water used to be, but with ClimatePunctuation, that’s changing.

    Humankind may have to abandon the praries, later this century, exactly as most of California, most of Texas, most of the Middle East, & most of India are going to be unusable.

    Too-many over-40C days per year & NO water for us, both prevent a region from being inhabitable.

    The 600+ mass-shootings in the US in 2023 are nothing, compared with the rampaging pogromming that’s going to be going-on in the coming years, as The Great Filter continues unfolding…

  • There’s a law, possibly international/UN or something, against making laws that retroactively criminalize stuff, so you’re right, on that point.

    Pretending that such things won’t ever become a crime, however, when the US is at the point of criminalizing

    • miscarriage
    • some brain-wirings/genders
    • violating christofascist supremacism
    • not being a Trump-cult member

    as the next few years will demonstrate,

    is naive/incompetent.

    Yes, criminal-law is going to be used to enforce ideological-conforming, throughout much of the West, exactly as China, Israel, Russia, etc, now “use”/abuse law.

    That tipping-point has already been crossed, on this world.

  • Limiting dementia’s harmful intentions is exhausting.

    We NEED to get software, or robots, or something doing it for people.

    If not, then we’re essentially sentencing a growing percentage of our population to being the full-time-keepers of brainrotted people, doubly damaging our country’s viability.

    The mental-health costs put on the carers needs to be a concern.

    Software+carer or robot+carer is less burden to the carer, you know?

    Lighten the load.

    _ /\ _

  • Radio-signal doesn’t go through metal, so sticking such a thing inside a metal bell blocks the signal, except where no metal is.

    ie, if the top half of the bell is metal, and the lower is plastic, the signal can only get out through the lower-half.

    Test the product, to discover how it actually performs, please.

    There are many bogus products in our world.

    _ /\ _

  • Modi/India is committed to blindfolded-and-earplugged “strategy”.

    Russia is now financially-functioning ONLY because of its debt to China: China is using that to gain unofficial owning of Russia.

    Russia is going to be China’s vassal-state, shortly, with its oligarchs/dictator ( if he survives ) doing only what China allows them to do.

    India is betting the entire survival of India on Russia provisioning it with weapons in any war against China, which is inevitable…

    India is going to be gutted in the inevitable war with China, and China is going to do to India what it did to Tibet, only worse.

    Churchill: “Never argue with drunks or fanatics.”

    Modi’s only-Yes-men government, including the pseudo-journalism he allows ( or considering the actual-journalism he doesn’t tolerate ), has strategic consequences, that are going to cost hundreds of millions of Indian lives, in the coming decade.

    WHEN a junkie won’t “get off the tracks”, and you can feel the rumbling, through the rails, of the oncoming freight-train, accept that you cannot make them know other-than what they want to know … and get away from the impending violent-destruction, so only-the-deranged get obliterated.

    I’m part east Indian, and seeing the home of the Dharmic religions about to be butchered isn’t good, but … karma is karma: you earn viability, or you don’t retain viability.

    Krshna was right, in the Gita: uprightness is REQUIRED.

    Politicians generally reject that, but ones who only allow yes-men inferiors & “journalism” … can take entire-countries, if not regions, down with their won’t-knowing devotion.

    India is nearly finished as a real country.

    I don’t expect it to be independent-of-china in 2033.

  • it shows one hell of alot more than just failure of police-services/enforcement:

    it shows failure of parenting, of education, of community, of journalism, of acceptance-within-Canada, and much more…

    How do you manufacture violent-crime in a community/city?

    Increase the young-male unemployment, and the young males will assault whomever they can take it out on.

    That automatic function has been known for decades, ttbomk.

    What’s apparently happening is the same: males taking some internally-felt-harm & multiplying it, enforcing it onto others, who are unable to defend themselves.

    I wish male-culture valued integrity anywhere near as much as it values bulling successfully, not just in this, or that, race/culture, but across all of 'em.

    Thank you for highlighting the point you did, Hoomin…

    Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, eh?

    ( :

  • IF corporate-profits are soaring as a result of jacking margins, & therefore prices, THEN all other factors are machiavellian misdirection.

    Always look at the bottom-line, to understand what’s going-on with for-profit psychopaths

    ( for-profit-corporations are psychopaths, as are the “charities” which really exist for the wallowing-wealth of the executives/administrators, in the “poverty industry”. IF a person says they’re running west, but you discover they’re actually moving east, then their claim is false as the evidence declares. ).

    Then, once you’ve seen the bottom-line, and how it contradicts the false-speech, then begin looking at where the money’s going…

    For anybody looking into accounting, please get the “Financial Shenanigans” book, current edition, as it’ll help break the disinformation that criminals put into financial-statements.

    It is beyond me, but I don’t need to understand accounting, yet.

    Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, eh?

    ( :

  • WHEN a project-cost increases TO A FACTOR-OF-5-TIMES the budgeted cost,

    THEN criminal-convictions should be happening.

    Just as normal commercial-contracts have a “kill this contract” point, for noncompliance, so too must public-taxpayer-payed projects, at 1.4x or 2x hard-max.

    Extortion isn’t acceptable, “just because it is government”.

    Take that extra-billion out of elected-authorities’ pensions & pay!

    Make the ones who mismanage pay.

    Accountability, right?

    : P

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