Hey pal, that’s “girl dinner” to you
For anyone else seeing this and interested, do research on wildflowers for your area specifically. You can usually put them in a Parmesan shaker that pizza places use for ease of shaking
Going through HRT has you go through puberty again. It’s not just trans fems, anyone taking hormones is going to experience this. You live your whole life experiencing one balance of hormones, then suddenly you have raging hormones again.
40% of this mod team is trans. This is an in-joke, if you don’t get it, it’s not for you.
Mental illness is a social construct. Even medical issues are social constructs. “Wandering uterus” used to be a medical condition in which doctors stimulated women to orgasm to “cure” them.
Every culture is going to frame things differently, but the importance is how that framing is used or held against certain people. The idea that “gender dysphoria” is a mental illness is linked to the idea that conservatives think mental illness is just weakness. They don’t believe that depression or anxiety are real, exhausting problems.
To be fair we did have a mod I think a year ago on LBZ that we removed because they weren’t putting any reasoning for bans. Technically they stepped down, but that was after a discussion on our chat. I’m not going to blindly back up anyone in the mod team with me just because we volunteer together. If someone does something shitty I’m going to say something.
I’m not sure that agree with SoftTeeth though (jfc that name is horrifying). I haven’t seen anyone getting banned for not agreeing with mods. If anything I think we’re a little too sensitive about banning people that don’t agree with us. I’ve reported people who blew up at me in comments sections rather than just removing/banning because I don’t want people to think that we ban people who disagree with us.
This is just blatantly false. Not sure where Ada is getting this. I was on every day. We never had reports older than 2 days. Anytime we got a “reports are piling up” from Ada we had like 3 reports from the same day that were a few hours old.
Banned /j