Philosophosphorous [comrade/them, he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2024


  • i think the fact that its not part of a racist caricature or costume helps, people generally use bandanas as practical garments/accessories. if white people were claiming that bandanas made them specially connected to the rajasthani, or if white people were selling them and claiming to be authentic rajasthani craftsmen or something, taking up a market that rajasthani could have participated in otherwise, that would be more problematic. where exactly do we draw the line between a white person making a paisley pattern handkercheif and cultural appropriation? (the paisley pattern is not unique to the rajasthani, in fact it is a very common hallucination/pseudo-hallucination with LSD. the bent-teardrop shape is actually originally a Persian ‘boteh’ design, and may or may not be related to zoroastrian symbolism)

    also, what exactly is the line between cultural appropriation and cultural influence? is using arabic numerals and algebra and algorithms cultural appropriation? is the west’s use of gunpowder appropriation of chinese culture? is wearing pajamas cultural appropriation of Indian culture? probably not. but obviously a white person wearing a feather headdress or selling ‘authentic native american dreamcatchers’ is, right? and both of those are different than like, a white person trying to genuinely engage with indigenous belief systems in their personal life. A white person reading tarot cards for money or ‘just for fun’ with friends might be culturally appropriating from the Roma, but a white person that genuinely believes that tarot cards are an effective religious/spiritual exercise and does it in private for personal reasons is not as problematic, or not problematic in the same sense at least. there has to be some defining factor but i’m not sure exactly what it is.

  • ‘disagree with lgbt’ lmfao no one is making you be gay you lawful-nazi lawyer weeb, by ‘disagree with’ we all know you mean ‘seeks the extermination of’, pathetically trying to hide behind ‘civil rational discourse’ jargon as a paper thin coating for nazi ideology. people like @MangaLawyer should be ‘disagreed with’ into a deep mine shaft barbara-pit. i wish his entire ideological cohort had been ‘disagreed with’ more thoroughly in World Disagreement 2. really out here using ‘disagree with’ the same way liberals think we use ‘deeply unserious’ but without the conviction to drop the facade of civil discourse lmfao

  • in addition to all the horrific shit happening wrt geopolitics and the various wars and hexbear doomers insisting that resistance is futile, i also somehow managed to piss off my roommate because i took their noodles out of an inactive microwave to microwave my own stuff. they say their noodles need to ‘cook’ after the microwave is off, but obviously the water will still be hot outside of the microwave, it doesnt stay hot after it turns off, definitely not hot enough to cook noodles. i just put them next to the microwave, but they scold me first thing when i wake up anyway. they even performatively put their noodles in for an entire second microwaving, like their noodles were already microwaved fully and were just cooling off, i did not interrupt that for enough time to warrant a second microwaving. of course if i were to point any of this out it would only cause strife drama and misunderstanding so im venting to internet strangers and feds on hexbear. i already woke up to horrific news from lebanon, already feeling suicidally depressed and wondering if fascism has simply won the physical plane of existence, already suffering the psychic damage from that idiot doomer in the news mega insisting that iran must cause nuclear armageddon or else they are cringe or something and the resistance has already lost and every single hezbollah commander is dead because the zionazis say so, and then this silly noodle shit happens. i hate existing. i cannot process these two kinds of existential horror, of fascisms seeming/alleged/apparent dominance of material reality and of my personal inability to coexist socially in a non-alienated/alienating way with the people around me, at the same time. i can’t really even process them individually, all there is left to do is bear the suffering eternally.

  • fuck you, using this tragedy as a ‘gotcha’. you would have been so sure the USSR was going to lose ww2. your armchair general ‘iran shud just go all in brah’ is contextless, detail-free, and completely useless ‘’‘analysis’‘’. i’m sure that the laws of physical materialism or whatever have proven that resistance is futile and that wealth hoarding and genocide are the superior social organization methods we will never be able to beat without triggering nuclear armageddon. we should probably just fucking give up on resisting a genocide. and maybe like get a single other source before posting zionazi propaganda as gospel ‘hezbollah leadership is entirely gone’ shit, iran is not going to trigger nuclear worldwide armaggeddon because you whine on a niche leftist internet forum. ignorant dunning kruger effect idiot that thinks ‘just launch nukes bruh’ is sound and comprehensive strategic advice.

  • it has some pretty cool first person mecha gameplay, but afaik (i could never stick with it enough to finish) there are no mecha guns, only melee with drills and claws and grappling hook hands. on foot gameplay disappointed me especially compared to the first 2 lost planet games, its basically a worse gears of war style cover shooter imo, whereas lost planet 1 and 2 had almost monster-hunter-esque gameplay with those classic dodge animations and invulnerability frames and the option to have centered camera.

  • in addition to capitalism and imperialist wars holding society back, technology is not like a linear video game progression, everything is subject to the law of diminishing returns. we have already made all (or most) of the easy discoveries, most that are left are very difficult or impossible or particularly power/resource-intensive. some stuff might just be exceptionally inimical to our current thought paradigms and material conditions though. for example Rome probably could have built steam engines, they knew of the technology from toy/model examples from greece, and they eventually had better metallurgy, but slaves were overall cheaper and more important to the economy and in fact rome enacted laws against certain kinds of labor saving devices/factory designs (yes they had slave-powered factories in ancient rome) to protect the economic position of slavery. it will be even more crucial to efficiently organize production and resource allocation the ‘farther along’ we go. unlikely we could ever build a dyson swarm etc. if we are wasting resources on imperialist wars and long-term-inefficient economic scams and total environmental destruction.

  • half the time in final fantasy games i’d rather play as some of the generic monsters/goons rather than the overly be-buckled generic JRPG protagonists. i like almost everything about final fantasy except for the protagonist outfits/character designs. lemme play as the magitek armor mecha from FF15, idc about the generic k-pop boy band with exactly 1 personality trait each (i am even less interested in the problematic age gap relationship with the trenchcoat beanie guy and pink hair protagonists little sister in ff13). i wish more kinds of games had level editors and custom game modes.

    on a tangentially related note i thought Scarlet Nexus had great monster designs, but i never finished that game because it let you ‘date’ a character who is ‘trapped in a child’s body since they stop aging after getting super powers’ (plus it was kind of a generic hack n’ slash, even if it did have cool setting visuals and political intrigue etc.)

  • repeating small phrases or mantras in my mind has helped me to calm the linguistic part of my mind. it doesnt really matter which phrase but it might help if you find it personally meaningful and can find a ‘rhythm’ to think or say the words to. for bodily restlessness consider repetitive or structured full body motions, others have suggested yoga which is likely ideal in a physical health sense, also consider dancing, drumming, or other similar movements as long as you are careful to stretch and avoid repetitive strain injuries etc., plenty of cultures and subcultures have sought altered states of mind through ecstatic practices as well as inhibitory.