Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • I wouldn’t really call it lying, because in the eyes of the computer it never shut down, it’s an intended “feature”: shutting down doesn’t actually cold stop the system, by default it has what is called hybrid shutdown or fast boot. When you click shutdown it saves your current kernel and running drivers into the hibernation file, so when you power back on it just loads that instead of having to start everything again and then reinits the drivers as if they were just started. This speeds up the process, but also can cause issues along the way.

    You need to either shut it down using the /s flag in cmd prompt, or actually select restart. It’s super obnoxious and outdated in a world where HDD’s are becoming outdated.

  • omg yes, the amount of times the company says they “support Major Linux distributions” and then when you email or message support they respond with windows troubleshooting steps REPEATEDLY and act clueless when you try to clarify, is unreal. I’ve even been told “sorry I don’t know how to troubleshoot non-windows systems so I am going to have to put you in for a callback”

  • This works until you learn that 90+% of the time they haven’t actually restarted, or they thought they restarted but their OS has some stupid policy of sleeping instead of restarting on shutdown (looking at you windows with your hybrid shutdown crap). That being said, sometimes you also get people who know what they are doing, but because of this they miss the basics, because “there’s no way that is it” or they just don’t think of it. As such everyone who actually does the bare minimal troubleshooting has the same treatment.

  • It doesn’t make sense but it happens constantly, especially in low-level environments Where Heads Are a dime a dozen, it’s usually not straight out being terminated however it’s done in the case of yeah you did everything perfectly but we can’t financially afford to give you a higher rating than average. Which does more or less the same thing cuz it tells the employee well it’s time to go elsewhere so they’re going to be doing training costs anyway

  • I fully blame advertising on this one, I have only heard of the game once or twice, and all of those were in comments complaining about the state of Sony which is never a good thing for a game. I have never seen any promotionals for this game and I’ve never seen any type of outline of what this game even is being as they are mentioning it’s normally a free to play I’m assuming it’s some sort of MMO or team-based game like Overwatch, I didn’t even know it was doing open Beta over the weekend till now

    edit: reread the article, I just didn’t notice it the first time yeah it seems it’s your typical game like OverWatch

  • I’ve had this layout for a few weeks now, I agree it’s absolutely garbage. The amount of times that I’ve accidentally modified my Queue or cleared my queue attempting to read the comment section is ridiculous. As is the Queue feature is absolutely atrocious and buggy as hell but like don’t make it worse please

  • I agree, I believe that they are mad that their campaign worked too well, they didn’t want him to drop out as he was a viable candidate to win against as he was slipping hardcore poll wise and was shooting himself in the foot, he wouldn’t have won. Now they need to re-evaluate their strategy to fight against Harris, which is going to be difficult considering that she is basically a counter opposite of what Biden was and has the exact opposite tactics he did, including background and has a solid history. I personally don’t care much about her but, I can see where the threat is.

  • I mean, the republican advertising campaign doesn’t /have/ to smear campaign the democratic candidates. They could, you know, actually advertise what their side is bringing to the table.

    That being said i feel the same way with the democratic party, it’s why I hate US politics, it’s always “vote for me because the other side is the antichrist” or some stupid thing, never focusing on what they are going to do, just what the other person might do.