Depending on where you live, check memory express. They only have 10(?) locations nationwide, but i’m pretty sure they’re in all the big cities
Depending on where you live, check memory express. They only have 10(?) locations nationwide, but i’m pretty sure they’re in all the big cities
Stupid as it sounds, be in the mindset of the human equivalent of using psspsspss instead of walking over and just petting a cat. It’s a goddamn miracle I’m married.
Well this is just perfect. I used to have aquariums and breeding is a sign your tank is in a good state, and when I mentioned that my fish were fucking in a discord group, it grew into pissman watches fish fuck/fucks fish. Just another meme leaning into the bit
I may be in the minotry here, but squared off corners have always looked better than filleted ones. Maybe it’s the fact that squares can be packed tightly with no wasted space I like
Not the degredation of my will to live
Russia: it’s obviously a very convincing puppeteer with IBS
So billionaires can get punished seriously… when they cause problems for other billionaires
I’m all for competition in the market and knew enough to be able to fix any problems I ran into on windows, but linux is a whole different beast. It’s the first intel product I’ve bought since my first CPU in 2012
Yeah I got the arc card ages ago before I thought I would ever go to linux, then a buddy of mine started daily driving linux, so I got a resource to to go to for help lol. I’m just waiting on black friday to switch back to amd now
Arc is actually decent on windows, but the combination of linux and arc is less than ideal
I’m in the double minority of linux and intel arc. It’s… less than amazing
He better be explaining this one seeing as it’s a simile
I feel that pain in my soul! Sometimes my settings get applied, sometimes not, sometimes integrations work, sometimes not, sometimes the app updates properly, sometimes it breaks itself so windows doesn’t know it’s installed and won’t run it, but the installer thinks it’s installed, so it won’t repair it so I have to delete fucking anything I can find from icue, reinstall it, uninstall with revo, and then reinstall fresh and import all my saved profiles, which only sometimes work. Why the fuck is iCUE so goddamn shitty?!
I’ll have to look into that. Thanks for the info!
I had heard of CKB next, but I thought it was a general purpose RGB software. Good to know!
Yeah I don’t expect to get all the functionality in one piece of software, so I’ll have to cobble it together. Of course, icue depends on the .net framework so it’s not getting ported, and the other 2 just don’t have an official native linux app. Jack mixer is my current target for voicemeeter, but I have to start researching the others at some point.
As someone who understands windows fairly well, but until recently couldn’t use the command line to save my life, I started dual booting Ubuntu and it’s pretty easy to figure out once you understand what you’re looking for. Only things I’m still trying to get running are alternatives for the stream deck software, iCUE, and voicemeeter, but I havem’t really invested much time into them yet.
Winnipeg just has negative volume and beyond infinite density now