Ok, I did my best to put together a little analogy story for you:
There was this kingdom, real pretty and peaceful, sitting right smack in the middle of a valley surrounded by thick, wild woods. Folks there lived a good life—farming, trading, and minding their own business. But one day, a fire broke out in the northern part of the forest, and it wasn’t just any fire. This thing was hungry. Hungry enough to burn the whole damn kingdom down if nobody did anything.
Now, the king—let’s just call him King Ray, because hell, why not?—he wasn’t a bad guy. He liked to keep things fair. Didn’t like no bloodshed, liked to rule with a steady hand. But he could see that fire coming, and he knew he had a decision to make. And fast. Problem was, no matter what he did, somebody was gonna get burned.
Here’s the rub: if King Ray didn’t act, the fire would roll over the hills and right down into the kingdom, turning everything to ash. The houses, the crops, the people—ain’t nobody gonna be left but a pile of charred bones. The kind of ruin you can’t come back from.
But if he did act, it meant he’d have to order his soldiers to go out and burn a part of the forest themselves. Cut the fire off before it spread too far. Only problem was, there were folks living in that forest. Villagers who’d built their whole lives out there. Small houses, little farms—nothing much, but it was theirs, and it meant everything to ’em.
The Hard Call:
Now, King Ray wasn’t no sadist. He didn’t get his kicks by hurting people. Hell, he’d rather throw a feast than a fist. But this was different. He knew if they torched a chunk of that forest, they could save the kingdom, but it’d mean those villagers were gonna lose their homes, maybe even a few of ’em would get caught up in the flames. But the fire—the one that was already out of control—wasn’t gonna care about any of that.
It was one of those rotten choices, the kind where no matter what you pick, somebody’s gonna hate you for it. But King Ray, he was smart enough to know something worse. Doing nothing—letting the fire come—meant everybody was gonna hate him, because everybody was gonna burn.
Lesser of Two Devils:
So, Ray’s sitting there, scratching at his beard, staring at the flames licking the horizon, and he says, “Ain’t no good options left.” He orders his men to set fire to the north side of the forest, make a break. It’s cruel, and it’s rough, but it’s gotta be done. The fire’ll stop there, and the kingdom—most of it, anyway—will be saved.
Now, the villagers—they don’t understand. All they know is their homes are burning, and they blame Ray for it. And hell, he don’t blame them for blaming him. From where they’re standing, it sure looks like the king done ’em dirty. But what they don’t see, can’t see, is that if he hadn’t made that call, the whole kingdom, every man, woman, and child, would be nothing but smoke in the wind.
Doing What’s Ugly to Keep What’s Right:
The thing folks forget is this: sometimes being a king—or hell, just a person who’s got people counting on ’em—means you gotta make decisions that make you sick to your stomach. Ray didn’t want to burn those homes, didn’t want those folks to lose everything, but he’d be damned if he was gonna sit on his throne and watch the fire swallow up his whole kingdom.
See, the truth is, when the devil’s breathing down your neck, you don’t get to choose between right and wrong no more. You’re just picking between bad and worse, and praying to whatever gods are left that you picked bad, because worse’ll bury you.
End of the Day:
King Ray made his choice. He saved the kingdom, but it cost him. Cost him some good folks, some respect, and a chunk of his own soul. But that’s what you get in this world. There ain’t no perfect heroes, no clean endings. Sometimes, you just gotta make the call and live with the ashes.
Let’s just get Kamala elected and then we can address all this stuff. Because if Trump wins, you’ll never hear from third parties again.
Is this something we can play somewhere?
I’m no airplaneologist, but with all the revisions made to this plane, why was that issue not addressed?!
I feel like they just have convinced themselves somehow, or it’s Stockholm syndrome sort of.
I love it. He thinks what he is doing is the same thing that John Oliver does masterfully on Last Week Tonight. What he’s actually doing I cannot for sure say, but I am fairly certain it involves extreme ADHD with maybe a side of schizophrenia and some sort of personality disorder. Oh and a large helping of rapidly worsening dementia.
We need to start a company
My Director likes to just write me up rather than to actually “lead.” Any chance your manager is hiring?
I use copilot to draft all my initial copy. It’s FAR too time consuming for me to try to produce original copy myself. Once I have the copilot results though, then I can analyze and optimize from there. That said, I fucking hate writing documentation and I procrastinate too much.
I need you to email this to my director at work immediately
What’s GCHQ?
You mean my heat vision is not appropriate in all situations?!
I will never return to office. I’ll manage a Wendy’s first.
Right here with you after seven years at this company Not finance but still
Hey, AI is expensive. That money has to come from somewhere.