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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 5th, 2023

  • A coalition could achieve it, you wouldn’t need a majority.

    We wouldn’t be in the dire mess we are now if the AV referendum had succeeded.

    The best case scenario imo for the next election is reform continue to take votes away from the conservatives. The populace lose confidence in labour so they don’t secure enough votes for a majority. But they form a progressive alliance with libs and greens purely to enact electoral reform.

    Once we have proportional representation a new election is immediately called and we finally have fair representation. Reform will get a ton of seats so they finally feel represented. Same for lib dems and green.

  • This is the kind of authoritarian bullshit that Labour always try.

    I can never comprehend why so many people who care about their rights support Labour when they really are very similar to the conservatives in many ways.

    Our system isn’t like America where it’s a choice between red or blue. We have viable smaller parties.

    Stop voting for authoritarians who enforce first past the post to diminish your democratic vote.

    Start exploring whether Lib Dem, Green, or literally anyone might share your views.

  • So, you don’t know Python at all AND you don’t know Bash, but you feel compelled to talk about how one is so much better than the other?

    I have plenty of experience with Bash, hence why I was eager to question the implication that bash was less complicated than other solutions.

    You’re correct that I don’t know python, but I do have plenty of familiarity with PHP, JS, C#, and Rust. From my experience with those languages I guessed that python probably has similar libraries for making API calls.

    Thanks for providing the actual examples. Looking at them I’m curious if you still think I’m wrong?

    In my opinion the bash is much more difficult to understand than the python and therefore it’s more likely for bugs to creep in. For example I think curl_exit_code=$? should be called immediately after the curl command as the way it’s presently written isn’t it capturing the exit code of the tail command?

    You’ve explicitly called --connect-timeout and --max-time. imo it only comes from experience that you need to add these options. I had a script that had been funcitoning without issue for months then suddenly started to hang and it was a while before I figured out that the defaults for curl had no timeout so it didn’t gracefully fail like I would expect.

    These are the kind of traps that I fall into all the time with bash and it’s painful to debug.

      curl \
        --silent \
        --write-out "\n%{http_code}" \
        --connect-timeout "$CONNECT_TIMEOUT" \
        --max-time "$MAX_TIME" \
    http_body=$(echo "$response" | sed '$d')        
    http_code=$(echo "$response" | tail -n1)

  • That’s profoundly untrue. Scripting in bash is an indescribably painful experience.

    You have absolutely no idea what version of a binary the user will be running so you’re limited to using only options that have been well established.

    I’ve never worked with python but I understand it has at least got some semblance of package management providing assurance that methods you’re calling exist, and I imagine it has some standardised mechanism for handling errors unlike bash.

    A simple example is making a GET request to an API and deserializing a JSON response if its successful, handling a timeout if the server can’t be reached or handling the HTTP status code if it’s not a 200 response.

    JS, python, Rust, C#, Java etc will all handle that simple scenario with zero effort but in bash it’s a nightmare.

  • I decided to not even bother with a significant number of mods because they just seemed mind numbingly confusing to set up.

    I’m not complaining, I’m just wondering if I’m missing some trick or something.

    I think you made the right choice here.

    There’s no quality control in modding communities so I’d say the effort the developer puts into the install instructions is going to be a reasonable indicator of the quality of the mod itself.