SadStruggle92 [none/use name]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • while there is obviously a power dynamic between differently aged people

    IDK, I feel like that’s an incomplete proposition, to some extent at least.

    The things that typically make for an “power-dynamic” in a relationship, like accumulated personal wealth, social experience, social networks & ones overall position in society are all to some extent or another correlated with age to some extent. But y’know, none of those are necessarily guarantees; at least not within the specific age-range specified in the post at any rate.

  • I never thought about it before but Full Metal Jacket is kind of retrograde the way it portrays the guy who blasted his CO as a sobbing incompetent moron. In reality there was a lot of resistance and direct murder of COs by GIs during the Vietnam War, but it wasn’t done by antisocial mouth-breathing idiots but principled resistors.

    Well, Gomer Pyle is not supposed to be a depiction of a “principled resistor”. He’s supposed to be a depiction of a guy who is obviously mentally disabled, but got pushed through medical examination anyways due to lowering recruitment standards. As I understand that was also a hot-button issue at the time.

    That said, I would personally prefer that you did not speak so frankly on your opinions regarding Mr. Pyle. Comparison with the character is actually one of the ways people where I live used to use to try to get at me.

  • The big problem is that a lot of this is stuff that I’ve genuinely been trying to work hard on for the last 4-5 years, and not only has it not really changed anything socially about my life (although I have been slightly more stable in employment), it’s all come crashing down on me lately. I got a real bad leg injury (like, probably gonna require surgery to reattach something bad) in the course of keeping up with my regular weight-training routine & my work, and not only is it costing me a lot of money, but it’s also prevented me from moving forward with my life (i.e. getting my own place closer to work).

    I’m also someone who didn’t have a lot of opportunities growing up, I don’t feel. I come from, & still live in, a small & relatively poor community, and I myself lived in a trailer park until I was about 12. I’ve also got ASD, and it’s significant enough that I got diagnosed very young & spent nearly all my school years in special education; and where I went to school they were very big on physical restraint & isolation as punishments. My parents, just as well, had a lot of their own problems & were not generally able to pay attention to what was going on with me, or my sister (who has had a whole host of problems on here own). I never had a lot of chances to make friends with people in my time, and when I have tried most don’t seem to care for my company, or my particularities. Admittedly some of that is my own fault though I suppose, as I was not a very happy or positive person for a very long time, and in a lot of ways I’m still not most of the time though I still try & do what I think is right.

    I suppose for all of those reasons I don’t really have the ability to be as naturally “attentive” as people might ask or expect of me; and that makes me very dubious of my ability to ever really be a part of society.

    I’m not sure how I want to conclude this now as it’s close to my bedtime, and I’m running out of brain-power to formulate & connect ideas with; but I hope you can figure out what I’m trying to get at here.