He was old, and didn’t have an easy life before being rescued. I don’t blame him, but it was kind of funny that his standard response was “fuck you”.
He was old, and didn’t have an easy life before being rescued. I don’t blame him, but it was kind of funny that his standard response was “fuck you”.
My aunt worked as a zoo vet, and was one of the people animal control would call if they found an exotic animal and didn’t know what to do with it. As a result I grew up being able to casually play with several different species of monkeys, as well as an asshole African grey parrot. When I was in high school she even fostered a serval cat for a short time till they could find a more permanent facility.
And this is your cue that this is serious.
They also signed contracts and have not done anything that would constitute a breach of contract. So firing them would be a breach of contract on the military’s side requiring a buyout of their contract.
+1 for Zenni. Been using them for years, and just bought a new pair yesterday. Paid $50 for a top end pair of glasses, can easily get a pair for $20 if you don’t want all the fancy coatings.
With a spoon
Close second would be chopsticks.
Pretty easy if you don’t work for google.
If they want to silence you they have to 1. Know about your account. 2. Keep it active.
All debt is bad, it is better to not own a house than to pay a mortgage levels of all debt is bad.
The only way you’re not going to be working a minimum wage job is if you have a college degree.
Ignore the financial “advice” of your parents, they’re retiring and still in debt. Real estate, and stock market. Those prices only go up over time, and although it may be difficult in the short term, long term you’ll thank yourself.
Also college is a waste, don’t do it.
This is timely. I’m actually going to the met next week. I’ll have to keep an eye out.
The fair housing act doesn’t stop age discrimination, it protects “familial status” meaning they can’t discriminate based on a family having children, or being in a gay or lesbian relationship. It does have three exceptions to the law and they all center around senior communities.
Currently Verizon, because my work pays for it. Previously Visible. Because it’s cheap.
Removed by mod
We looked at our client, the event organizer, who was the one paying us, not the presenter. They were not happy with that statement.
“They get what they get, don’t even bother moving the furniture.”
Yes ma’am.
It was not, the event organizers were not happy with that statement as we try to accommodate and had made all of the presentations up till that point go off without a hitch.
I do events, one of the events was a medical conference. We had an exec for a pharmaceutical company presenting and he wanted the entire stage layout changed 45 minutes before the presentation. Like completely different projectors, screens, mics, that sort of thing. Not a quick fix by any means. We told him it wasn’t possible, his response,
“Anything is possible if money and physics allow it, and I have money.”
Their pharmaceutical company wasn’t invited back to the next years event. We were.
Ace here. I feel you. I may be male presenting but I have no interest in anything beyond platonic, and even then that’s a stretch.
2023 Kia EV6
I was driving a 2004 Chevy cobalt, it was paid off and the motor wouldn’t stop working, that’s all the good that could be said about it, everything else was falling apart. One day the AC stopped working, so I went to roll the manual window down, and the handle came off in my hand. I decided I was done. I knew I wanted at least a hybrid, preferably a plugin hybrid, maybe a full EV if the price was right. They are way more efficient than a traditional ICE, and with less maintenance. I knew I also wanted cooled seats, summer’s in the southeastern US can be brutal.
It happened to be near the end of the year, the dealership was in the process of unloading the 2024 model cars, and they only had 2 2023 models left that fit my requirements, so I got a brand new car with options for less than base MSRP, and I completely skipped the hybrid / plug in hybrid phase.
DM here. Had a classic dungeon crawl going and the party came against some Kuo-Toa. The Kuo-Toa rolled really poorly against the bards major illusion, so now the party are the mouthpieces of the Kuo-Toa god Blibdoolpoolp.