Robot Alchemic Drive?
90s release date, 80s sound!
It’s by the writer/director of the movie Ink, which was pretty low budget, but felt really imaginative.
At a bare minimum, if you get questioned about a neighbor or coworker, “I don’t know” and “I can’t recall” are your go-to’s, no matter how benign the question may seem.
Thank you!
They haven’t been making it super clear, but you can actually create, edit, and share text documents in Proton Drive right now! It’s just not a separate thing like with Google.
Titanfall 2. That’s an annual tradition for me.
I did not expect Lance to be such a goofball.
Reminder that this movie not only had a sequel, but it was one of George Clooney’s earliest roles.
Unless I’m missing something, they don’t appear to have a source for the claim in the article title.
I’ve been using Newsblur for years, matches the Google Reader feel pretty well.
I’m currently using AnyList, a combined grocery list and recipe app, to store everything.
Should that ever shut down, I’d probably move everything over to Notion.
It’s definitely a significant time investment; to see all the story currently in the game, I’d compare it time-wise to your average JRPG.
Cool to see Secret World Legends get a nod. I did a solo run of the story content a couple years back, really liked it.
These look excellent, thank you! I’ll probably be picking up a Keyforge set.
I’m a big fan of this idea. In general, I think large, “big tent” communities are what Lemmy needs right now, since there’s really nothing stopping anyone from spinning off more specific communities later should the volume of posts warrant it.
Pennygems. Absolutely kills me they aren’t sold anymore.
So far so good! They set up a really ambitious world with an eye for the long game, and I appreciate seeing the military/mercenary perspective.
Just finished Shadows Linger by Glen Cook. Was a bit frustrating that the first half was more of a crime thriller than the milfic of the first book, but the back half was a great ride.
It’s exactly that!