It’s what you get when you put at least half a dozen traditional festivities, customs and good old commercialisation and put them in the blender.
It’s what you get when you put at least half a dozen traditional festivities, customs and good old commercialisation and put them in the blender.
Just celebrating Yule or the Winter Solstice.
Originally Christmas celebrations were 12 days. It’s still accepted to keep an decorations up until the 12th day, so that means you can start taking things down on Epiphany
No need for /s because that’s exactly how it works.
“If you hate the right people and say the right things, you are Good People, and Good People can’t do no wrong. If you’re not one of the Good People, you can do no right. Laws and rationalizations are there to punish those that are not Good People.”
Funny how this is a Twitter post as half of all satellites orbiting earth (5581 out of 11300) are owned by Musk.
“We’re wrong about economics. But because we’re all wrong in the same way it kinda works.” ~Mark Blyth, political economist
And at worst send death threats if somebody else posts things not to their liking, because freeze peach.
“Won’t somebody think if the children?”
A new priest has to replace another priest who recently retired. As he’s taking confession, the woman on the other side says she sinned because she performed a blowjob. The priest had no idea of the correct penance for this. Just then a young acolyte passes so he leans out of his chair and asks the boy: “how much do they give around here for a blowjob?” The boy promptly answers: “One snicker bar, sir.”
Yeah, that’s the kinda stuff going around in the 80s.
“Make aristocracy great again” seems to sum it up.
It’ll postpone the inevitable for another few years, but there’ll be another autocrat soon enough. Have enough people with bad jobs and in debt up to their eyeballs, and some minority scapegoating wannabe dictator will appear eager for the job.
And some just define “research” as clicking the next video in the recommendation list, a list carefully crafted by an algorithm to keep people engaged by feeding more of the same.
Hydrogen cars and trains.
Musk often operated using the “better forgiveness than permission” policy
Block all major roads going out of Hungary with trucks and call it a total random strike of truck drivers until he changes his tune.
Big difference between having a conversation and having a media company distributing propaganda.
Sounds like the USA elections
The short answer is employee owned cooperatives. Every employee has voting power.
Satan: we don’t torture people with thorns and nails here. That’s the other guy’s department. Same for locusts, killing firstborn, you get the idea.
Let me guess, it comes in 50 shades of grey