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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Let’s see…

    • Black Star. This is a new game, so not too many people are aware of it. I’d consider this a rules light Star Wars game.
    • White Star. Despite the similar names, it’s made by different people than Black Star and the mechanics are wildly different. However, I’d also say this is Star Wars-esque sci-fi.

    There are also a couple Savage Worlds sci-fi settings that look neat, like Titan Effect and Interface Zero. I feel like I’m missing a big sci-fi game I really want to play, but I can’t think of it off the top of my head.

  • I’ve been through a lot of social media sites over the years. MySpace, Facebook, Twitter. I think you’ve got the right idea avoiding them all at this point! LOL

    And I 100% agree regarding third party apps and open protocols. I tried several Reddit apps before Sync really grabbed me. I thought it was so neat having so many options, something I hadn’t seen since the early days of the internet. And then Reddit had to ruin a good thing and take all those away.

    I do think the fediverse has the right idea. We shouldn’t all be crammed into a single “one size fits all” site. Now we just need some good apps to go with it!

  • I’m all for a good debate. I frequented the technology subreddits since they’re related to my work and I love a good OS or language debate. I’ve learned a lot from hearing other people’s arguments. So that all sounds like friendly banter to me!

    I do think the smaller the subreddit, the safer you are. Most of my best experiences are in those subreddits. I just found myself wishing I could explore Reddit a bit more without walking away bummed out by all the hate. It’s hard finding a good subreddit.

  • I joined my state’s subreddit to keep an eye on local happenings. Our news outlets aren’t the best, so it was a good way to hear what was going on. For the most part, it was a good community. But there was always a handful of people who had to argue equal rights every time it came up and it was disheartening to see the same hate every single time.

    Apparently I should get into photography, because your experience on Reddit sounds so chill! LOL

  • The worst of it, by far, is of course the front page. But some of the subs I can think of off the top of my head where I encountered trans or homophobia are r/Science and even r/Pathfinder2e (if you know anything about the Pathfinder universe, this might seem mind boggling). There was pro LGBTQ+ support in many of these subreddits, but there was always a comment or a debate or whatever in every queer related thread.

    The subreddit for the state I live in, while generally supportive, has numerous comments debating my right to exist as a queer person in most threads even vaguely LGBT related. It’s frustrating knowing I could basically only find refuge in LGBT subreddits. Everywhere else, there was always someone making a jab or starting an argument. It’s exhausting.

  • Back when I was Christian, I hated what I was. I spent my youth “praying the gay away” and all that. As a result, I suffered from depression and anxiety pretty much straight out of the womb.

    Then I came out, was ostracized by my Christian family, and everything I was afraid of happening happened.

    But you know what? I ended up finding a new family who loves and supported who I am. I married a wonderful woman who loves me in all my trans masc non-binary, bisexual confusion.

    I realized that what I hated wasn’t my being queer, what I hated was that my family would never love me unconditionally. Now I love who I am and I honestly feel happier than I ever did performing the cis straight dance.