SweetLava [he/him]

In study.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2022


  • Quick to boredom. Varied interest in different subjects depending on time or day or context, with an inability to concentrate on those same interests to the point of carelessness or agitation outside of that time/day/context. Mood swings. Apathy in general. Slow burnout that rarely recovers itself in a “reasonable” amount of time. Able to feel close to unknown people, not able to feel much connection or interest in the long-term. Bouts of isolation and/or depression. Frequently unmotivated. Forgetful. Procrastination and giving up last minute to avoid the problem. Self-medication. No respect for random people trying to “help” since I like to handle problems on my own terms, choosing treatment on my own terms. And, again specifically for me to make a point, boredom - it only goes away temporarily.

    This is ADHD I guess, you can try to look closer to see if there’s anything interesting or if you can figure out another diagnosis of mine - but that would be a waste of time.

  • I didn’t really get that out of it at all, but I developed a skill to see past a lot of the garbage. It was fear-mongering and overall just a scary way of saying China has reduced the use of death penalty, there are better mechanisms in place to prevent unlawful/unnecessary use of death penalty, and a drive to replace gunshot execution with lethal injection. The “victims” included are simply multi-million dollar fraud (essentially) and an abused kid that went on to (cw: violence) rape and kill.

    You are right, in that there seems to be no widespread use of this van in the event that it is seriously used.

  • When you were a kid (if you ever grew out of being a kid, that is), did anyone tell you the story of the apples and oranges? Did you ever hear someone talking about comparing apples to bananas? Anything of that nature? You still can’t explain why you specifically chose to compare Hitler and Bin Laden to Raisi.

    Let me break it down for you slow, in hamburger American terms.

    Say I want to talk about America. Should I compare America to McDonald’s and apple pie? Or should I compare America to shrimp and gyros?

    Fill in the blank: As American as _______.

    Did you say “apple pie” or did you say “shrimp and gyros”? Why? Reflect on this in your own time.

  • You mean to tell me that Israel, with all those billions of dollars, couldn’t see with their own eyes people flying in to their territory with guns? There is no convoluted middle east history, at least not any more than anywhere else on this planet. There is no excuse to kill anyone in violation of international law, especially when the politicians guiding that policy see the enemy as less than human and makes reference to genocidial intent in doing so. If you want to talk about history, the history that is so convoluted and confusing to you, just start in 1947-1948. That should make it a lot easier for you to understand.

    Every event in ‘Israeli’ history can be checked. They never acted in genuine self-defense. They always had ulterior motives, to drive their force as an imperialist proxy with a massive budget, extremist ideology, and settler-colonialism. There is no blame game. Palestinians have fought against occupation. Israel is the one occupying. Now this rougue state is claiming, implicitly, that they lay claim to a Greater Israel project that threatened the entire Middle East and North Africa region. Rather than occupying territory in war, they occupy territory in aims of extermination of the native population. If they were an occupying force in war, they would be required to ensure every citizen has access to food, water, security, and other necessities of life. Instead, they occupy territories and kill or displace the population there. Either it’s not a war or this rogue entity is incapable of conducting itself without constantly committing war crimes.

  • Again, I know what an analogy is. We already established that. So, that means I do know Hitler is not just a nom de plum or alias for Raisi, or vice versa.

    It’s just not a good analogy. Look at the names I wrote and think about it for a second.

    Why do I think comparing Hitler to Bin Laden is not a good comparison? Why do I believe comparing General Torrijos to Raisi is a good comparison?

    Then, back to you. “[Celebrating] the death of horrific people is not necessarily a bad thing.” You didn’t even clarify what made Raisi a horrific person comparable to Hitler. You sound like everyone else in that Reddit-esque circlejerk.

    If you read closely, you can see I don’t really mind the act of celebration itself. My problem is that there is no acceptable reason to compare Raisi and Hitler, first of all; and, secondly, the people celebrating don’t even know who Raisi is. Your comparison alone tells me you’re in that group, the people who are celebrating without even knowing.

    I can celebrate the deaths of Hitler, Mussolini, Kissinger, Pinochet, Reagan, and so on. That’s because I actually know who they were and what they did.

  • I understand what an analogy is. But you know (and I know) that we don’t make analogies at random. There’s a specific reason you chose Bin Laden and Hitler to make the analogy. Even comparing Bin Laden and Hitler is dishonest and lacks appropriate context.

    I’d say Raisi’s death celebration is more akin to celebrating the death of someone like Omar Torrijos (Panama), and I’m not speaking of similarity of death itself or the conditons that created the death. I’m talking about their respective policies.

    Death happens everyday and you chose to make the specific comparisons you did. It wasn’t an accident, no one forced it into your brain. You did that.

  • tl;dr - There is no better or worse when discussing American policy on Israel. We will head on the same trajectory regardless. No need to give Trump nor Biden any credit.

    Likely worse. His team is fully of anti-China, anti-Iran warhawks. I don’t think he’d approve of getting or keeping Americans away from Syria, Iran, Palestine and occupied Palestine, Taiwan, Japan, the Phillipines, etc.

    We all know the story. Yes, Democrats and bad. Yes, Republicans are undeniably worse in every way at every level.

    His team this time around will also be more competent. Maybe he will pivot to an “America First” agenda… then what? The open NED-type operations will be less noticable, others will be taken up by partners of the EU and other NATO members besides the US. Covert operations and the other dark, buried, illegal shit will boost exponentially.

    But look. Biden has his support base, he has his voters secured. So does Trump. They’re both Americans and both have already been president for 4 years each. We already know what has been happening and we know what is happening. The US will continue doing what its government and key capitalists already have been planning to do.

  • Lowest approval out of all recent presidents and people want me to believe my single sympathy vote can save them. I don’t think I have the heart to tell some of them my voting habits when the time inevitably comes. Investors and major leaders already accepted the good numbers for a Trump victory and they’re hoping for a good year in business when he rolls around again, some fresh profit margins. They don’t understand that I’m not rich enough to decide, the rulers of the country already made their picks and they won’t accept less without some serious promises from Biden