I agree, steak is not there yet. On the other hand, eating beef is a very destructive thing to do. So how close does it need to be to make you switch? How important is a particular personal taste?
I agree, steak is not there yet. On the other hand, eating beef is a very destructive thing to do. So how close does it need to be to make you switch? How important is a particular personal taste?
Ich nutzte die Gelegenheit mal, um diesen skurrilen Artikel über den Gefahren Daniel und sein Antilopen Rudel zu teilen. Die positionieren sich eindeutig im antideutschen Spektrum.
I recommend SLDL, it takes some nerves to set up but then it reads Spotify-playlists and batch downloads them from Soulseek.
Der TAZ Zornköder funktioniert, das Bild triggert mich hart. Ich möchte böse Dinge über diese Menschen sagen.
This is great advice. I’m not at all interested in building and maintaining a library of stuff I won’t watch twice anyway. Resist the urge. I hooked an old laptop to my TV, put Linux Mint on it and use KDE Connect to remote control it’s mouse and keyboard with my phone. Bookmark some streaming sources in Firefox, install FreeTube for your YouTube needs, add an external harddrive for stuff your really want to keep and your have a great media center for zero money.
Great repy!
I don’t get lab grown meat, though. It is still super expensive, after years and years of research. Plant based alternatives are on the marked for years and already frighteningly close to meat made from animal tissue. These plant protein alternatives are great for the planet, water soil, co2, pretty healthy and don’t need stem cells or sterile labs to grow. To me, lab grown meat feels like an excuse for people to keep eating animal meat, because the real alternative is not there yet. But it is, just stop making excuses and adapt your accustomed taste a tiny bit.
Power, ideology and ressources
This looks interesting, Polarity analyses audio in the browser. Now if I could record this, I’d be pretty happy.
From the Vegan Bullshit Bingo:
#30 How do you spot a vegan?
Haha @hobowillie, that’s hilarious!
Mostly by what you also recognize human rights, women’s and all other activists by: They talk about the grievances they have discovered and want to fix.
By the way: Often vegans can also be recognized by the fact that they peacefully eat their soy schnitzel at the barbecue until someone, driven by their own bad conscience, has to make a comment about it and is suddenly angry at vegans for some reason after they have calmly and kindly explained their motivations upon request.
#54 Vegans think they are better than everyone
While it feels good to know that you have questioned traditions and made your own informed decisions in line with values that reject violence rather than promote it, you should not get on a high horse, because almost all vegans were once not vegan and everyone can take this step. However, completely refusing to address the issue is a difficult stance to take.
By the way: Just because a vegan once told you an uncomfortable truth, they were not being mean to you. And even if you didn’t like a vegan once, that doesn’t question the whole point of veganism or justify continuing to exploit animals.
Schlimm! Lass mal da hin und die Taliban stürzen.
I really liked the Behind the Bastards-podcast about Stalin
Ich will diesen Artikel in kurz und knackig, um ihn rum zu schicken. So wie er ist (gut!), liest ihm die Zielgruppe, WhatsApp-Leute, nicht!
Ich finde das nachvollziehbar aber trotzdem schwierig. Einerseits wäre mir eine echte links-grüne Partei sehr lieb, andererseits ist Deutschland halt einfach nur zu ca. 10% links-grün. Da können wir jetzt hin und her splittern wie wir wollen, es werden ja keine neuen Menschen aus der Mitte hier hin wechseln, geschweige denn von weiter rechts. Die sind gleichgültig gegenüber den echten Problemen und gleichgültig gegenüber den Lösungen, die eine neue links-grüne Partei anbieten würde. Weil man die Komfortzone verlassen muss, um echte links-grüne Politik zu machen. Dazu sind die Menschen offensichtlich nicht bereit.
EDIT: Ich habe auch großen Respekt vor Renate Künast, die immer reale Politik angepackt und trotzdem kein Blatt vor den Mund genommen hat. Dieses Gespräch hier ist sehr gut.
Wir träumen von Frieden, doch erst müssen wir gewinnen
Armes Deutschland, danke Merkel
These people, who make it their life goal to seek, protect and to expand power are so strange to me. Like, what’s the endgame here? Looking super manly and determined but if you shrink it down, it’s still children fighting over molds in the sandbox.
Here is a great reply from the Low-Tech Magazin.
Ich bin deiner Meinung und sehe den Wolf auch als ein kleines bisschen mehr Wildheit, das wir der Natur zugestehen.
Letztens bin ich auf diesen Vortag gestoßen, über den ich seit dem immer wieder nachdenke. Er hat meine Meinung zum Thema nicht verändert, ich finde den Typen unsympathisch und den Vortag berechnend emotional und einseitig. Trotzdem interessant, mal zwei Stunden lang die “Gegenseite” zu hören.