• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 27th, 2022


  • What, do you think we treat radfems like comrades or something? Lmfao no.

    That clarifies one point, thanks.

    Sure, some could have a few traits as mentioned above (only human after all, and some humans are scummy regardless of gender); but to say all women are like that is straight up falling towards Incel/MGTOW territory.

    I never said all women. I do not engage in liberal/fascist generalisation behaviours like that. However, many women in urban areas do have one or more of these behaviours, thanks to the incredible amount of sexualisation of mass media creating construed images of reality in womens’ heads.

    traditional views like monogamy instead of promiscuity are better

    Very, very interesting how rather than using polygamy, you used promiscuity though.

    Yes, I wanted to gauge a reaction on this. Polygamy is harmful for both sexes and for society as a whole. I want to cover this bit in the next part where you made a massive generalisation.

    You men can get away with bedding lots of women and society barely bats an eye. It’s only when women do the same that you guys start seething.

    Let me tell you a few things. Women are the gatekeepers of relationships, which includes sexual relations. If a woman says no, man will go home. And these “you men” are not all men, but probably the 10% fuckboys that engage with a lot of misled women, again, thanks to oversexualisation of mass media. This happens mostly during post teenage years upto early 30s for both sexes.

    Another point I want to make is that a woman is considered purer than men for the single most important reason – she has the womb and she has to be in a healthy state to carry the baby. Woman is the one who will procreate, not the man. I know that the fuckboys/fuckgirls rationalisation is imbalanced, which is precisely why I think sex is a sacred thing, and it is not meant to be abused by anyone. Obsession with sex, drugs et al is bad for a valid reason.

    Chivalry is dead. Good men never get rewarded with healthy relationships in society, until an arranged marriage in most cases has to happen. Good women either are corrupted by mass media, or get tired of the incredibly conservative families they live in, and end up marrying people they do not inherently truly love.

    social code being different for men and women

    Are these set in stone, huh? So much for being a fucking leftist if you believe in this regressing shit.

    There are certain social codes for men and women that are simply going to exist, unless bizarre things like artificial wombs come into existence, erasing the codependency of man and woman. Yes, there are things that can be improved on both ends, and it is a very long conversation.

    What, did you had like bad experiences with women in the past that made you develop these thoughts? Or is it the fact that you got exposed to misogynist youtubers

    No bad experiences made me develop particular thoughts. However, one feminist whose friend I loved back in college, did tell me that my self improvement did not matter to anyone, and tried to rage bait me as well. That solidified my thoughts on liberals and not women.

    I never watched Tate or Shapiro or the likes, but I try to watch a healthy mix of content, mostly averaging as moderate on the spectrum. Matthew Hussey, Kevin Samuels, J-Hall and Whatever podcast. I keep a very tight hold on what views are shared there, selectively discarding anything that goes too conservative. These tubers are not incels or MGTOW, but closer to a mix of redpill/blackpill, mostly hovering around centre or centre-right.

  • You cannot estimate protein this way, this is an incorrect method. The bioavailability of protein in each type of food determines how much protein is actually digested by your body.

    Refer to DIAAS (if not available, relative PDCAAS) of foods, and their amino acid breakdown to determine your protein intake using https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_quality and calculate how much protein you need depending on physical work you do. 1-1.5 gram per pound of body weight is the recommendation for athletes and gym people.

    Lentils and plant foods actually are inferior and in general you need to eat double the plant foods compared to eggs, meat and milk, in order to get equivalent amount of bioavailable protein for your body. There is only pea and potato protein that is high DIAAS value, soya is also high but is detrimental to testosterone levels of males (limited research).

  • It sounds mean, until you realise these people enable US government only to enjoy their rich lives thanks to the overseas profit-generating genocides and foreign regime changes, never commit revolution against their state, conveniently screamed the past year how Russians should have overthrown Putin and his party so NATO could balkanise Russia, and demonise China everyday when after centuries they finally get to enjoy better quality life in the past few decades.

    This does not stop with Russia, China and war machinery business. They see outside of Europe (now they are even exploiting Europe) and themselves, rest of the countries and continents as cattle meant to serve them either as slave pets or as beef. Now, one could say, it is the state, but it comes back to proletariat committing revolution, instead of which they chose to enjoy American/white privilege.

    Until 2008 crisis, and even after that, they loved their privileged environment gained by all the exploitation and genocide, and you can even see this in the form of nostalgia they sell the world in the form of “oh before 2008/09 it was all bliss and merry, wish those times were back”.

    The ones who lose, only have themselves to blame, for they could have chosen to forgo the comfort of genocide-derived privileges, and committed revolution against the state. It was a matter of picking the greater, longer good but they chose to pick the shorter happiness, because USA apparently in their heads was an infallible Goliath.

    To add a little, I value more the importance of 5+ billions of lives over 0.35 billion lives.

    Edit: I think I missed something important. Not every average common person is a deranged Twitter liberal, however, it does not excuse them of being revolutionary. They choose to be, and openly admit being passive in drawing room discussions. If they had an excuse of being vulnerable from state actors due to having family/children, well now they and/or their children will face the consequences of their inaction.

  • My visual picture of it is that Americans have eternally been conditioned to “capitalise” on everything possible, and since USA is reaching its final conclusion in the chapter of superimperialist capitalism, people are probably subconsciously thinking of it as capitalising off of the remains of their country as it collapses away. Seems to me like a perfectly fitting end to the last bastion of Anglo empire.