I loved that Red Bull! I would buy it as a treat after work and it was so refreshing. I don’t know why they discontinued it!
I loved that Red Bull! I would buy it as a treat after work and it was so refreshing. I don’t know why they discontinued it!
I’ve never heard this before. If broccoli isn’t allowed I’m surprised anything is!
Wait, why can’t broccoli go down the disposal?
The Times They Are A-Changin’
I use browser add ons to have the comments moved the right panel. I enjoy reading comments during the video and I don’t want to have to scroll away from the video to read them. This design just makes sense to me.
I love Lily of the Valley. They are so tiny and cute and smell amazing. Breaking Bad taught me they are also poisonous
Thank you for doing this. A selfless act!
Do you think parents also enjoy wiping baby butts and cleaning up vomit and other bodily functions of babies? It’s part of infant care and millions of people are able to accomplish this with no reason to surgically remove part of their babies body.
Interesting that surgically removing a body part without consent isn’t as alarming to you as spanking
This name is in my family, I had a “Grandpa Steele”. Always thought it was cool
What exactly is a dirt farm?
I got pretty excited to see an advertisement for Hardee’s mini biscuits and gravy. It was like tiny biscuits swimming in a bowl of gravy like cereal and it looked delicious . Then I realized it was April 1st.
I actually never learned how to use the right shift. I’m doing fine without it.
In the good old days they were carefree children that were shielded from the terrible things happening in the world.
I’m not sure what is supposed to happen here. I just stared at the video for a few seconds after the draw and the video ended?
So now they are doing it, just announced on Channel 4 News. Facebook is charging all users starting Monday. You can do a opt-out by this. Hold your finger over this message and copy, it can’t be a shared. I do not give permission for Facebook to charge $4.99 a month to my account, also; all my pictures are the property of mine and NOT Facebooks!!! Opt-out If you are thinking of getting off FB because of the volume of sales ads and trash stuff. So hold your finger anywhere in this post and click ′copy’. Go to your page where it says ‘What’s on your mind?’ Tap your finger anywhere in the blank field. Click paste. This upgrades the system. Good bye annoying ads and Hello new and old friends!
The Prince of Egypt
That first photo is not Micheal Gambon, it is Richard Harris, who played Dumbledore in the first 2 films.
This is so good! How long did it take you?
I always wanted to see this visualized.