That’s not true, they want slaves
That’s not true, they want slaves
He’s already bringing cases in Pennsylvania of voter fraud.
After doing this same shit 60+ times with 0 results, he should have literally every challenge thrown out as soon as it is brought.
third party voters are not working to “split the vote”, they are voting for their preferred candidate.
Unfortunately with the electoral college, it is splitting the vote. Without ranked choose voting, voting for anyone other than a D or an R is literally throwing your vote away.
And all the anal fissures
Did you find a light that suits your needs?
Another option is a hair tie to your glasses. If you need help picking sometime out, I can help.
I use an Arc Co. - Bolder
I carry a few different cards on the inside card holder, a few bandaids of various sizes in the mini inside pocket. Then in the back card slot I keep my main credit card, and a couple ‘rewards’ cards for places I frequently go for lunch.
Then the front right pocket has a Swiss army knife (hiker) that I modified the small blade on (into a warncliff blade shape for wood carving), and the left pocket has a mini-Sharpie, and a space pen.
I just carry it in my front right pocket, it’s super compact, and has so much in it that I use everyday.
I’ve carried it everyday for over a year, and it’s still like new, incredibly well made.
It’s more just biting off already dry/dead skin, doesn’t seem like I’m doing any damage
Not exactly my favorite, but my most done is biting/peeling my lips.
Stretching is probably my favorite. Like those good ones after waking up
I’d love to know this too!
I love those little fidget things
Boss: did you wipe all the laptops before the new year?
Me: like… With a rag?
Awesome work man!
When are we getting rage comics?
That makes more sense.
I was struggling to pronounce it
Who the hell comes up with these names?!
One thing I’d advise looking into would be Autism as well.
I did/do experience a lot of what you are describing, and have been misdiagnosed with a few things, turns out I’m autistic. It presents very much like inattentive ADHD in me, so I was pursuing th ADHD diagnosis for a long time.
It took me a couple years to figure it out, but yeah, I’m autistic.
This video helped me quite a bit in understanding the difference.
I’m not saying you have Autism, but it’s worth considering!
I keep checking to see if there is a release date for this, so excited, even if I don’t need it
Except when they don’t