You’ve got a nice starting kit there! Thank your friend for being so kind by inviting them to a tea session with you!
Here’s a few things that I wish I knew when I started trying high quality tea:
Get the water temp right for the type of tea and don’t oversteep. I thought all tea was just undrinkably bitter, but I was just steeping everything for too long in boiling water.
Write a few notes about what you think about the tea. For the first year, my notes consisted of “bitter” or “I like this”. I can’t remember what the teas tasted like, so I wish I wrote down more.
Then, I just advise that you experiment yourself to find what works for you.
I’ve ended up on steepster a few times, looking for reviews of teas by others. I suppose that’s something lacking from my method - sharing my review with others.
Do you recommend using steepster? I don’t imagine it will replace my complex spreadsheet, but I suppose I could copy my review to steepster.