I feel like I’ve seen a million of these “oh he might have done this” and none of them have been a “gotcha” moment. Agreed throw it on the pile. This is going to be a god awful election year.
I feel like I’ve seen a million of these “oh he might have done this” and none of them have been a “gotcha” moment. Agreed throw it on the pile. This is going to be a god awful election year.
Lucky. I’m 32, and let me tell you, you had it waaay easier. Back in my day…
Funk Master Flap
Smoking is not good for your health, but we as Americans are free to make that choice for ourselves. I think that’s the definition of unconstitutional. Banning something like that is only going to make it more widespread and sketchy. Look at the war on drugs and what it’s done, but sure it’ll work this time.
Yes!! Everyone is seemingly forgetting the fact that this ass hat is under investigation for very serious corruption charges. This war makes him important enough that people are looking the other way.
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
I don’t know how to attach the gif though…
Ah. I’m with you there. Robert E Lee. Not super proud of it, but it’s interesting.
I’m related to George Washington from his wife, Martha. Also am apparently related to Robert E Lee, but I don’t have details on that one.
Cephalopods are so much cooler than we give them credit for. These guys sex!
Idk I’m still partial to quetzacoaltus!
I feel like not quoting Hitler is just good life advise. Jfc is he trying to say that quoting Hitler is alright?
The grand old party is dead. Welcome to whatever comes next from this toxic ass group of people.
That video was legit! Are there more of them?
Yeah totally get that for criminals, but these poor children are not breaking the law in any way!
That’s exactly what I came here to ask. It’s got to be at the very least, a HIPAA violation.
Do the people in Gaza believe that there is a threat of Hamas destroying/seizing humanitarian aid? No! If anyone is going to stop it or destroy it it’s going to be Israel. The nation that won’t allow “include anesthetics and anesthesia machines, oxygen cylinders, ventilators and water filtration systems.”
It’s worth the read.
There are zero reasons why Hamas would prevent food and aid being delivered to the people they are fighting for. Might want to lighten up on the amount of BS propaganda you’re consuming.
That’s how the FBI has been able to positively identify where people were during the January 6th Insurrection. The FBI said shortly after the insurrection that if you had your phone with you, you would be caught.
They’re just bastard covered bastards with bastard filling.
You know, I really thought that the pandemic might have been the beginning of a paradigm shift. It was a terrible time, but I think a good majority of people were beginning to realize just how insane our world was and we all slowed down for a second and realized that we don’t need to be in the office 5 days a week. Welp, I guess I shouldn’t have been so damn naive. Employers decided that they couldn’t micromanage as efficiently as they wanted and those millions of dollars of real estate weren’t going to pay for themselves. Now it’s amazing how much our “cOmPaNy CuLtUrE” needs improvement or how collaboration just “iSnT aS gOoD” as face to face. Fuck you all, it’s money and control, plain and simple.
I would never be more happy to be proven wrong!