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Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • Oh no! Her once life consuming obsession has died. Do you think she will need an extra day at Disney to mourn the loss of Charlotte the stingray? How many crocodile tears will she shed? Will she make L have a fake funeral for Charlotte? Will she bawl her eyes out when she hears “Circle of Life” and think of Charlotte and the babies that could’ve been? Will it be a complete mental breakdown when she sees other sting rays at the aquarium at the end of the Nemo ride?

  • Even if they wanted to put L in daycare or preschool, it would be impossible to get into any form of daycare at this point. Daycare/preschool waitlists are years long. People have to put their kids on waitlists here when they are pregnant and that is still not a guaranteed spot, as they are so limited. In addition to that, the government most recently introduced an additional subsidy for daycares, to make it more affordable for all, in turn, making those waitlists even longer. So their only option would be a home daycare and since that was Nana K’s employment (she ran an in-home daycare for at least all of Sarah school years), it would only make sense to just keep her now, giving up the only spot they could’ve possible got in a daycare/preschool. In Ontario, JK entry point is 4 on December 31st of the entry year - so if her bday is January, she still has another year to go

  • If you told me this woman had 4 children, I would never believe you. Not only for the fact that she’s never home, but also for the cringe worthy things she’s posting. The only indication you’d ever have of her having kids is, only when she uses them for likes and content. Thank goodness the older kids have one stable parent who is there for them, especially right now, during some of their most significant life moments. Pretty sad when your string bikini/boot photos outweigh the once-in-a-lifetime event of your kids graduation. Shocked L even knows who she is. Thinking Nana K is her actual mom, probably. Tell me you resent your kids, without telling me you resent your kids

  • Her sister had jaw surgery in high school and had her jaw wired shut. She developed an ED from that. When TBP started IG with her weightloss and people started noting she had an ED, she threw her sister under the bus and told her story as a deflection because she could “never” have an ED because her sister had one. Then, many years later - shock and awe…she cops to having one because she was literally starving herself. YET had no problem making a platform, getting on the cover of Heidi Powells mag, etc, claiming it was all “fitness”. She’s always has been and always will be a liar, especially when it comes to making a “story” that will fit the current trend