Wrapping up Lies of P. Really fun soulslike. Picked up Avatar again now.
Playing Technobabylon on Deck. Been in my library for ages and I should have played it sooner. Great point-and-click.
Wrapping up Lies of P. Really fun soulslike. Picked up Avatar again now.
Playing Technobabylon on Deck. Been in my library for ages and I should have played it sooner. Great point-and-click.
I’m actually surprised this is on by default in the EU. Guess they try to classify it as legitimate interest.
Epic games has the same flag when you pick up one of the free games during the order confirmation step and it’s checked by default outside of the EU but unchecked in the EU.
Thanks for the tip!
I would like to take my chances to win the FF I-VI collection. Should keep me entertained for a couple of hundreds of hours 😅
I got the King Kong Pro and love it. It’s basically identical to an xbox controller but with gyro support and hall effect sticks.
Regarding the statement that gyro only works in switch mode, it’s the same for all controllers: they can switch between several modes (iOS/android, switch, xinput and directinput on the king kong). The motion controls only work when in switch mode but that mode works perfectly fine in an emulator such as yuzu (and even every game on steam too for that matter).
The spaces between ribs provide flexibility and allow for expansion of the chest during breathing. This flexibility is crucial for the movement of the ribcage as it expands during inhalation and contracts during exhalation, enabling the lungs to fill with air. If the ribs were a closed shell, this movement would be restricted, making it difficult to breathe effectively.
Agreed. Even though the SD OLED addresses all the customer feedback from the LCD version, both devices are still on equal footing when it comes to SteamOS. They didn’t abandon the previous generation, they improved on it by making it a more capable device. When someone asks me which one to buy, I always tell them to decide based on the money they’re willing to spend on it. Yes, the OLED is better in terms of specs, but that doesn’t make the LCD a bad console.