Yllych [any]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2020


  • I don’t think it’s a secret that cobalt mining, or any mining really is exploitative of labour beyond normal wage relations. Plus the environmental cost is substantial as well. That is true enough, although like most real injustices this critique is ,for political reasons, aimed at former colonies rather than the more powerful governments that have the (stolen) wealth to actually create some kind of real solution.

    As for the coup attempt by Christian Malanga, to me it’s hard to tell how serious of an attempt at regime change that was by the US/UK simply because of how bad the attempt was. The impression I got was that the alphabet boys did not send their best, if they even bothered to get involved. Malanga and his group were quickly suppressed, Malanga himself was killed and his son imprisoned. As far as I know the only support he had was either among diaspora or western NGOs. So a total failure there. Malanga had ties to all sorts of western entities so it seems plausible he had at least a green light from some western backer to go ahead with the coup attempt with an implicit promise to be recognised upon success.

    My guess is that this was an incompetent or just plain lazy attempt at regime change symptomatic of a decline in state power compared to the 50s/60s. As for the online boycott campaign, without knowing more I would venture that’s maybe a 60/40 split between being created by naive libs vs from a suit filled board room somewhere.

  • I see a couple comments you posted before (since removed) excusing the American government for overlooking the Palestinian genocide.

    So it’s interesting that genocide becomes an important issue for you when it can be used as a cudgel against China.

    And fuck off with your whiny edits about how you’re just a lil guy getting dogpiled. If you want to have a good faith disagreement about China or whatever that’s more than allowed here, providing you make a real attempt. Which you did not.

    Sorry you stumbled onto one square milimetre of internet that doesn’t follow imperial narratives.You wanna feel validated in your anti China sentiment? Go read or watch any major media outlets, speak with any politician, or talk to 90 percent of random people where you live. They will all share in those opinions.

  • Deal with them? This is mainly a shit posting website lol. I mean I didn’t agree with everything they say and they have bad China takes, but to be fair to the ones I’ve met they understand that their domestic bourgeoisie is their primary enemy and where I live I am glad to see an out and about communist presence.