So by your logic we should just roll over and allow them to run roughshod over our rights then while we debate every minute detail of our bodies and whether they affect competitiveness in silly games.
Got it. The general population has barely any attention capacity for this so let’s just keep playing on the conservatives terms then. Great effort.
For every conversation you have about hormone levels you could be raising awareness of far more pressing issues in our community and calling conservatives bluffs instead of falling for the red herring.
This is a fallacy that treats all arguments as equal in the eyes of average people. But they are not.
The women’s sports attack is a bridge argument. They came after it because it’s a place where we lose. By replaying that loss over and over it serves to erode the general consensus on our rights, so that they can expand to other more radical positions later.
Arguing in that arena effectively builds the bridge with them even though your intentions may be pure.
It’s better instead to instead cut our losses and fight them on a topic very few people will disagree with us on. This builds consensus among the general population that we are on the right side of history. This burns down the bridge so they cannot cross it.