Paying attention to what? How the democrats stack up against the political actions of posters?
Paying attention to what? How the democrats stack up against the political actions of posters?
Sorry, I thought all that was going to be just two paragraphs.
I know the feeling lol
Yeah I largely agree, the fact that it is replacing humans is rough and really speaks to such a depressing view of art in our society. Even before AI, the commercialization of art was hugely detrimental, and really sucks the soul out of much of what it touches. The fact that AI attacks the starting footholds for artists to find any money at all in the industry is particularly upsetting.
All that being saying, I guess I would still push back a little bit on the idea that it can’t be art when generated in it’s entirety. I would argue that while yes it does have less intentionality, even at the most base level of a prompt and picking your favorite generation, is enough to qualify it as art. I may be a bit of an absolutist in this regard, but I justify it by pointing to things like splatter or fluid acrylic painting. Where the exact lines of intentionality is hard to draw. All of that to say I don’t think there is much value in drawing a strict line that excludes AI work from art just because the discrepancy between choice of the artist and the choices on show is so vast.
water the tree of liberty? 🥰
Contact local BIPOC and other radical political groups in your area. Learn the plans they’ve had to fight systems of oppression as they’ve been at this for a lot longer than the election cycle. Learn how you can help, and what you offer, even if it’s just a body or a skin tone. Learn all the different facets of anti-state action and find your place in an organized group.
These fights have been going on longer then either of us has been alive, and almost all of the fight is done outside the ballet box, so the I am genuinely asking, are you willing to commit to what you seem to believe and do something outside? Because I think you know, arguing on some tiny sliver of a fraction of the internet isn’t meaningful fighting. So find the people in your community that are meaningfully fighting in whatever way they can and join them. Please.
What about now, are you gonna live up to your ideals and be involved, or live up to their preconceptions of liberals and only do politics on election day?
The adage for as long as I can remember has been, Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.
I desperately wish that liberals realize that reality is the arbiter, and no amount of wishing more folks would fall in line will work.
No, but it at least prevents the appearance of a “mandate.”
This is such a liberal take. They would have acted exactly the same whether they had the ‘spirit of the nation’ behind them or not. Stop picking fights of symbolic victories.
deleted by creator
I’ve seen more of it from [the elected officials delegated to head the country], than [the random poster on the internet].
the bar is in hell.
you can put the exact same prompt into the stable diffusion and not get the same image each time
My understanding is that if you have the exact same model, prompt, and everything else, if you use the same seed, you will get the exact same image output. That and that they called it a counter point, I took it to mean they were talking about the skill in the layers of different tools folks will use to get what they are hoping for. Because, a little to your further point, there are folks that get very into it and have like 30 different fine tuned loras or whatever to finesse every finer point of the image.
Images would not exist without the photographer choosing to make them.
At the risk of getting a little philosophically wanky about it, I guess I would argue the same for AI images. Like what exists is a nebulous connections of weights and nodes trained off stolen art that only connect in certain ways because of a given seed and prompt. Does a hypothetical random image of a muppets version of Kermit the frog as Darth Vader ‘exist’ without the high, half baked, prompt from someone using a free trial of midjourney?
Even without those elements though, those images would not exist without the effort, intention, and presence of the photographer.
I completely agree, and I think my point more was that with photography, you don’t “make” the landscape or architecture you’re capturing, but you make the image in the end.
Contrast that with AI art. The only intention you have is your prompt and choice of model. I would argue the fact that ai prompters need to “get close to” what they want their piece to say, rather than making the piece say what they want it to say, shows how starved for meaning the products are.
I will say, I respect photography more, and so much of what AI generates is soulless slop. I think that ultimately my push back is on the folks that argue that it can’t be art. And just as there is intentionality in choosing what photos you don’t take for photography, there is non-zero intentionality in generating 30 loose candidates, 50 fine tuned candidates, and 3 final images with stable diffusion.
Sorry if this comment is scattered, I’ve restarted my reply like three times trying to sort out what I even think lol.
I think there is an honest way to try to get Kamala elected that doesn’t involve going to the DNC and lying about her tireless work towards a cease fire.
I don’t think their point was just that it’s impossible to reproduce, more that there is skill, knowledge and choice put into getting close to the intended idea when working with AI output.
With that I think your point breaks down when you compare it with something like photography. Often you aren’t ‘making’ the images that you capture, but there is skill and artistry in the choices that capture the moment or picture you want. Obviously there is more control in photography, and I would disagree with anyone that uses AI and claims the same level of artistry of photography. But ultimately I think the lines around art are so blurry in general, it seems incorrect to me to do decidedly exclude AI generated images.
There are things that break through, but it’s naive to ignore the difference funding from billionaires and the media apparatus has on ‘grass roots’ movements.
We need to stop pretending their failures began in the campaign. It’s not just that they failed in a monumental election, it’s that they’ve failed to secure courts, failed to build a counter part to the heritage foundation, failed to jail the politicians that attempted a coup when they had power. They are simply not equip to fight the rise of fascism, the same as the liberals of Germany.
Okay but she endorsed Kamala, and we are still in the current situation?
I disagree with dx1, and think they are worth keeping around, but the criticism that they fell right in line with a genocidal regime, and refused to stand for their principles is fully true.
She was a failed candidate in 2020, picked based largely on identity for VP by a presidential nominee that was really only liked as a remnant from a administration for which he was also picked largely based on identity. Towed the party line during increasing displeasure with the party heads, then failed spectacularly in an election.
Even if I believed she truly had dreams of creating a better USA, it’s best for her to not be prominent member.
I don’t think the approach is to sway voters, and wasting time trying to salt right wing forums into helplessness seems like a poor use of time. The reason folks posted it here is that they were recreationally and airing their grievances, as well as pushing the idea that political action and thought needs to exist outside elections to those that are closer to them, but are otherwise politically disengaged in non-election years.
Existing in those spaces heavily, I disagree that the push was towards not voting, the heavy criticism I saw was towards that only see political action as voting. Further, acknowledging the reality that interests of the ruling class, or palestinians, is not on a ballet.
It’s possible. But actively pushing the narrative that there is no point in voting on on Lemmy only helped Trump win.
This just seems so far from impactful. The narrow slice of people that exist on lemmy, were in the set of states that actually decide elections, and also are politically influenced by it enough to change their vote, is such a tiny number of people. Do you really find it to be a worthwhile point to attack rather than the failures of democrats to recognize and push back against the decades long project of fascism that has been built by the republicans?
Well, not from one account anyway.
That’s fair, even while typing it, the point felt shaky. I still think there are pieces of art that fail to have intentionality or design, but I would still call them art. I could carelessly scribble on a page to pass time in a meeting and I think that would still qualify as art, even if absent conscious meaning or design.
May point was more against the process than Pollock specifically because I think much of the high art world is shaped by folks in power over anything else. I agree that folks are too quick to dismiss his work, and I completely believe it is art. I don’t think it’s random, and looking at his work you can see intentionality. I think I bring it up more to show the broad spectrum of art. Similarly, I think it’s completely valid to sign a urinal and call it art. Even if you have no sway over the structure of the porcelain beyond picking what toilet you think works best. A curation I would argue is equally valid when selecting what pieces of AI work best fit what one is going for.
I guess I don’t know what proponents claim the level of creativity is, but I also think that critics don’t realize the level of depth many of the folks that use AI go to for what people assume was a few tries at a prompt. I think this gets back to the original counter point above. Trying to make something similar to what folks show off, or trying to realize a vision with AI tools is harder than many realize. And I think without having worked with them too much, it can be easy to not see the intentionality that went into AI work, in the same way it can be easy to assume Pollock is random splatters. Now I will clarify again, I don’t hold it in that high of regard or say that it’s comparable to Pollock or any other painters really. More my point is to show that the specifics can be lost, particularly because AI does so much spectacle.
I think that it’s totally valid, and I don’t really think I take any ownership with AI work, I just enjoy it for what it is. Personally I use it as a DM in various ways, so maybe it doesn’t rub me as wrong because it is a smaller piece of everything else, rather than standalone art.