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I will argue that Witcher 3 did not have enough content for it’s own world. Don’t get me wrong, the content was great, but there’s large swathes of emptiness inbetween. The devs tried to fill it with map markers that got repetitive very quickly (hello, random floating barrels).
IMO, downscaling the world to 75% size and reducing the amount of non-quest content would have made the game better.
You can literally sort issues by last activity if you want to proritize based on that. There’s no reason to autoclose issues.
Preventing people from stealing toothbrushes is just evil. Nobody chooses to be in a situation where they even think about stealing a freaking toothbrush.
Huch, das hab ich über Weihnachten wohl verdrängt.
Hä? Der Termin für die Neuwahlen ist zu 100% von Scholz definiert, denn er folgt aus dem Termin der Vertrauensfrage (maximal 60 Tage danach).
Die CDU-Spitze hatte Scholz zwar polemisch aufgefordert, die Vertrauensfrage früher zu stellen. Damit haben sie aber auch sehr schnell wieder aufgehört, als die gemerkt haben, dass sie dann über Weihnachten und Neujahr ihre Listen aufstellen müssten, vom Wahlkampf ganz zu schweigen.
Hat Scholz jemals offen und ehrlich erklärt
If we ever figure out teleportation, it will be expensive. Of course, there’s a free tier where you get teleported into a void where you will have to watch ads for 20 minutes before you get sent to your destination. Complete with regular reminders that you can simply upgrade your plan to get out of teleportation purgatory immediately.
Nobody wants to ban people from taking a car if they reasonably need it to get around. Or even just want to use it.
But if alternatives are actively pursued, it’ll end up better for everyone. Bikes, pedestrians and public transport cause way less traffic per person per mile. And usually cheaper (in terms is tax dollars spent), too.
And shorter distances between homes and stores will also reduce the length of the car trips.
It’s incredulous to me that people will still frame this issue as “car drivers will lose”.
Cookie Auto Delete (and similar extensions) doesn’t really help of you enable FF’s built-in Total Cookie Protection (which you should).
Vielen Windows-Nutzern wird ja aktuell gesagt, dass ihr aktueller Rechner nicht für Windows 11 geeignet ist, und sie daher einen neuen kaufen sollen, um weiterhin Sicherheitsupdates zu bekommen.
Daher macht es schon Sinn, damit zu werben, weil es ja einer der Kaufgründe ist.
Natto löst bei mir den Brechreiz aus, mein Körper scheint das sofort als Gift zu kategorisieren.
The Japanese version of the NES was a toploader, and the NES itself had a toploader version later on as well.
Also, what’s with the personal attack?
Assuming both of those people use exactly the same infrastructure (which they do), yes.
The person with the higher usage will still pay more in total because the connection fee is just a base price, you’re still paying per kWh (which is forwarded to the companies running the power stations)
it’s impossible to open Deutsche Bahn Website in my Browser,
What kind of browser would that be? works just fine on Firefox (uBlock and PrivacyBadger) and chromium-based browsers.
Der Chatbot ist vermutlich transparenter als jede Rede.
Wisst ihr noch, wie damals alle Bäckereien geschlossen wurden weil das Drucken von Kassenzetteln sie finanziell ruiniert haben?
Hat beides 4 Buchstaben. Perfekt für Knöcheltattoos.
Plus the time it takes for the cup itself too cool down enough to actually grip (as pointed out by someone on bsky)