Der Postillion is a satire magazine, similar to The Onion. This is not (yet?) a real plan by Merz.
Der Postillion is a satire magazine, similar to The Onion. This is not (yet?) a real plan by Merz.
Aber was ist ein schwerlas Tanker? Und was ist so schwer daran, jenen zu lesen?
Meine müden Augen scheinen Angelsächsich zu erblicken
Finde ich auch bisschen seltsam, den Post. Die FabLabs machen gute Arbeit und stellen Geräte bereit, wenn man ein Projekt hat.
Aber vielleicht auch einfach nicht mein Humor.
Zangendeutsche Übersetzung, hat nichts mit der Arbeit zu tun
Das ist glaub ich dieses Pliersenglish von dem alle reden
Albion has “skill injectors” too. There are tradeable tomes with which, if you were to spend enough money on it, you could almost max your character.
Keep in mind I’m just trying to paint you a picture here, so you can decide whether it fits for you. I’d still recommend trying Albion. It’s a small install and free to try after all.
Pretty much the same as PLEX in Eve. If that was p2w for you, then this will be p2w for you too.
Actually come to think of it, it’s worse in the regard that gold prices have an impact on the game. The lower the conversion rate of gold to silver drops below 1:5000 the higher the global discount on repairs, travel, islands etc.
Also works on EA accounts. Got mine stolen through Customer Service a few months ago. But when I contact them through the email the account was set up with they don’t reinstate me.
Wish there was a solution to these problems that deals with both issues.
This seems like Wikipedia, and bad wording, rather than GS-AI to me
Ich werde nie wieder öffentliche Toiletten benutzen können. Der Gedanke, dass die von FDP Politikern abgeleckt wurden, wird mir für immer bleiben…
I could not have predicted a single word using those that came before it. I’m impressed.
Periodic table names best names
I used to just name it after the os running on it, but I’ve now switched to periodic elements. But to not be too predictable, I randomly choose one, e.g. osmium, then helium, then argon etc
Wirf mal noch 'ne Bibel rein