are you on the other side of the planet?
or why is your right my left? 🙅🏻♂️
Check out my music (please 😔) ☺️
TEASUS (electro with metal drums & guitars)
are you on the other side of the planet?
or why is your right my left? 🙅🏻♂️
“okay, let’s concentrate. we’ve been at this timestamp 3 times already. this time i’m gonna listen real hard!”
20 seconds later; lost in thought.
5 mins later: “goddamit. it happened again. 😠”
it’s so ridiculous.
https solidtorrents . to / torrents/earth-2-1994-f59f1/5c463eff29dd4319e4eb411e/
It probably was an inside job 🐣 Insurance fraud or something 🤷🏼♂️
Vielleicht isses ja nur ein bisschen was Richtung “Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria” 🤷🏻♂️
ok, yes, i suppose i should not have mentioned the scripts without attaching a warning.
i’m still grateful though that someone put in the effort to write 'em, because they finally solved a problem for me that i couldn’t solve for years.
i guess now it’s “the communities” turn to properly document and dissect those scripts for the larger user base.
i’m certainly not angry with whoever wrote those scripts because he didn’t put in even more effort for free.
but i do get your point (i think) and agree.
Well, jeah, i usually don’t like those too much either.
But then i just open the url and read the script line for line.
I got it running on my two kubuntu 24.04 machines using the scripts described in this video:
The process was still a bit fiddly but i got all three affinity apps running now.
ich hab mir vor jahren 'n feinstaubsensor gebastelt, wie hier beschrieben:
i believe you need distance. but you’ll loose resolution. the lens distortion will be way less fish-eye’e if you take the picture from meters away instead of centimeters. photo software like darktable also has lens correction for lots of camera-lenses. but not for smartphone lenses i believe. 🤔 not sure though.
jo, bei mir war silvester auch wieder ordentlich.
das is aber auch ein eleganter vogel.
bei mir is manchmal einer an der futterstelle, der sieht aus wie 'ne kleine ägyptische gottheit.
Is’ aber auch voll anstrengend.
Ich hätt gern so 'ne Rolle mit frischen Einwegpapierbettlaken unten am Bett.
So wie’s die manchmal beim Arzt gibt.
Einfach 2m rausziehen, abreißen, niederlegen.
Oh, it’s usually quite busy there. ☺️
Lots of sparrows, blue tits, great tits, ocassionaly greenfinches, black redstarts, lesser woodpeckers, carrion crows, magpies and pidgeons.
Infact it’s so busy that i buy the birdseed in huge 10kg (22lbs) bags so i don’t have to order that often 😅
i added a “construction plan” in this comment if you’re interested.
Let’s point all our magnets towards the sky!