Check out my music (please 😔) ☺️
TEASUS (electro with metal drums & guitars)
Is’ aber auch voll anstrengend.
Ich hätt gern so 'ne Rolle mit frischen Einwegpapierbettlaken unten am Bett.
So wie’s die manchmal beim Arzt gibt.
Einfach 2m rausziehen, abreißen, niederlegen.
Oh, it’s usually quite busy there. ☺️
Lots of sparrows, blue tits, great tits, ocassionaly greenfinches, black redstarts, lesser woodpeckers, carrion crows, magpies and pidgeons.
Infact it’s so busy that i buy the birdseed in huge 10kg (22lbs) bags so i don’t have to order that often 😅
i added a “construction plan” in this comment if you’re interested.
Well, test them on ukrainian soil first, so that russians know that the stakes have risen.
If you lop em over there without warning they’d have “no choice” other then to completely nuke ukraine in retaliation.
Jimmy Pesto. But since 2023 it’s been a different voice actor.
That’s also weird to me. As soon as i have enough money to feel kinda secure for the next few months, making more money is not a huge priority anymore. Other interests then become way more important. This too is not optimal, i know. But it always has been like this for me. I wonder why i’m missing the greed gene 🤔
“Das kannste alles einfach als Brennstoff in die neuen Molten-Salt-Reaktoren reinkippen. Gar kein Problem, Bro 👌🏼”
yeah, no problem.
i’m a social butterfly when i’m drunk and somehow managed to transfer this skill into my sober life over the years.
i’m even pretty good at phonecalls now. those terrified me my whole life. now i often prefer them over emails/texting.
so, you’re still alive and want do die burning on a boat?
takes a lot of discipline not to jump in the water i guess 🤔
also, who cares if it’s legal. they’re not gonna put your corpse in jail.
Hmm, i’d be interested in reading this or something similar 🤔
Will there be an english or german version?
but how would you mv something without moving all it contains?
is there a non -r use case? 🤔
I was happy with 16GB until i inherited a huge Angular legacy project.
Dies ist ein Überfall! 🤺
.psd-thumbnails work for me on ubuntu 22.04, xnview mp 1.6.1
i had problems with alpha/transparency in thumbnails which rendered them black or broken, but i’m not sure how i fixed it 🤔
i know that’s probably not really useful 😅
apply a thin coat of silicone spray
Maybe instead of calling as yourself pretend to be someone who is very comfortable calling their doctor. 🤔
Not sure if that works 😅
das is aber auch ein eleganter vogel.
bei mir is manchmal einer an der futterstelle, der sieht aus wie 'ne kleine ägyptische gottheit.