I’ve been playing a fair amount of Heroic Tales lately, and it has a Solo section and is available for free. It’s a D6 dice pool system with two “kinds” of dice. You can have 1, 2, or 3 Check Dice (success is if any of them roll a 5 or a 6) then your character can get up to 6 Skill Dice (success if it rolls a 6) for a roll based on stats or gear. The difficulty of what you’re attempting determines how many total successes you need from a roll. It also has a failing forward option where there can be partial or mixed successes, where you get some or all of what you wanted, but something goes wrong as well.
I’ve also heard a lot of people grab Iron Sworn and use the solo tables as the oracle to run any system in general solo!
I saw the Kickstarter for Knave 2nd edition and backed that, but I think that is a ways out yet. I don’t have the 1st edition yet though. I didn’t realize it was created with grade school kids in mind, that’s pretty sweet! It was certainly already a contender, but I didn’t realize how big of a heavy hitter it was likely to be here.
I’ve heard of Fiasco, and am interested in it, but I hadn’t seen any way of increasing the player counts and wasn’t sure how well it handled 6+ people, since it describes itself as only up to 5. That was the biggest reason I haven’t gotten it yet, my gaming group is 6 people, and my family is 6 people now as well. Do you have experience with it, and are there ways to make it work with additional people?
I was definitely planning on something PbtA. I’ve already got Avatar: Legends, Masks, Dungeon World, and Monster of the Week. And I either already have them in print or I’m waiting on a delivery or a Kickstarter to get them in. I’ve not gotten to actually play one yet, but I know several people itching to try Avatar so I’m just waiting on the opportunity there.
My idea for an initial system was Heroic Tales which is quite rules lite at three pages for the entire system, including generators, and play tips! The PDF hits six pages via a cover page and two pages of blank character sheets… I’ve been having a lot of fun playing it online the last several months.
Before discovering Heroic Tales my favorite system had rapidly become the TinyD6 line from Gallant Knight Games and I still enjoy playing it quite a bit, and was planning on making it one of the offerings as well. It has a section on doing ranges for combats in theater of the mind that I have used with several groups and enjoyed. It also has quite a bit of different genres to play with as options and I’ve gotten most of them in print by now.
I was also considering throwing in a level zero funnel from Dungeon Crawl Classics, in part because the dice chain seems like a really neat concept, and the spell tables seem like a delightful way of handling getting more powerful as a mage over time.
I also have found I very much prefer less crunch in my games, but I know a lot of the teens hear “D&D” and want to actually play that as well. So I figure I’ll include it, but way at the end after they’ve gotten to try lots of other things. Hopefully I can help them learn many of the main mechanics and decision making skills before then so that all the rules don’t bog everything down too much!
Have you much experience playing with teens? Any things of note to make sure to mention we’ll be avoiding in a Session Zero? I really only have experience with my 12 year old in that regard, and am only just now getting to spend time around more teens due to involvement with her.