I see where my mistake was. I searched in “all” not in “communities” only. Thanks a lot 🥰
I’m missing some of my topics. Is noone interested in dating, dating advice, self improvement, psychology and this stuff?
Or am I missing something?
People are nice here. I like that. 😊👍
I once even made the tofu myself. That was a mess. But an interesting experiment. 😅
I though of Trigema too.
ArmedAngels is German, ethical and organic, they produce in Turkey or Portugal.
Schiesser is a German brand for underwear producing in EU.
That’s just what I can think of right now, the list should be much longer if you mind to look out for it, a lot more than five.
Portugal produces a lot of shoes as far as I know. Veja for example. But I guess there are many more brands.