Hell yeah
Homie’s out here with that 300% keyboard, tho
Just imagining Picard dicking down a whole Borg cube
Ok but what’s with the tails?
Sorry, should have added a \s to my comment
I love NuShell. I use it as my daily driver, and have for about a year now.
Why would it? Is that area especially prone to border disputes?
Schoooooolllll’s out for ever!
Ah shit, here we go again
Alas, not a real dinosaur
From the ark, you say? Care to elaborate?
On that note, I need to remember to post here when I run across such
I really enjoy reading thought-provoking content in a niche I’m not accustomed to. Like the author is deeply informed on the topic and offers an introductory primer to the niche.
Welders use switched magnets all the time