No, it was modern, guns and what not. It was running on a majorbbs, only ever saw it there. The grid was a set 20x20, you could run, walk, or sneak from section to section, like a2 to a3, like an excel sheet, with each cell having some description. It was similar to a mud but zero graphics, all text. Also static and relatively small. Like a protomud.
You can check on https://npd.pentester.com/
Get accounts on all three credit agencies and freeze your credit.
Use a password manager like 1Password so each site you use has a different password. Make sure you use MFA/2FA when you can and use your phone number as little as possible- it’s hilariously easier than you think to get your number transferred to a new phone.
You can use a service like https://www.optery.com/ which consumer reports just said is the best paid service next to doing it yourself for getting off lists.