Source: Ox-Fanzine #173
🎧 crimeschneck at &
Source: Ox-Fanzine #173
Die Platte ist aus der Sammlung meines Vaters. Als ich mir sie angehört habe, habe ich auch gemerkt, dass das echt nicht mein Ding ist :D
This maybe helps with the second song:
But I can’t find the first song on whosampled.
I haven’t really thought about a creative description or name. If you have a suggestion I might use a tag on it :D
I really like my Strange Hillbilly Speed Bump with “Full Health Kills” part, it’s just so cute:[1]
(It’s also the only strange cosmetic I own. I’m not planning to spend any more money on the game after the item server incident.)
Kommt jetzt eigentlich die Prozent-Hürde bei der Europawahl? Ich habe da sowas mitbekommen. Das wäre echt schade. Dass es keine Hürde gibt und somit auch kleine Parteien eine Chance auf einen Sitz haben, ist einer der Punkte, die diese Wahl gerade so interessant für mich machen.
Basiert auf was?
Du hast diesen Beitrag dreimal gepostet.
Ich finde, der Film ist in Ordnung. Man darf halt keine wirklich tiefgründige Geschichte erwarten.
Some links from
It would be great if my music library was cleaned up by correcting wrong or adding missing tags but to be honest I’m way to lazy considering the amount of albums I’ve downloaded over the years.
I like their album “Face the Agression” (downloaded for free) but there seems to be some controversy about the band:
Der kleine Lord / Little Lord Fauntleroy
Also the KISS logo has letters that look similar to the insignia of the Nazi SS:
I don’t really know either.
Wikipedia has the following information:
The distinctive “bar-s” logo the band used since 1981, designed by artist Jamie Hernandez (illustrator of the comic Love and Rockets) resembling a black bar with a single lightning-bolt style S, or more accurately, the Sig, or Sowilo Germanic rune meaning “sun”, or “victory” offset to the left of the bar, was misunderstood by many of the younger members of the punk scene. The logo was mistaken for a Nazi “SS” symbol, and rumors circulated that the band were racists, Nazis or white supremacists. This was compounded by Hickey’s self-identification as a “traditional skinhead”.[citation needed]
Source: Ox-Fanzine #173