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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2020

  • From what it sounds like, the blocks are just on devices of the children in similar ways that parental controls more or less already work. So I would imagine that the parents could have ways to grant access in similar ways that can be done on Windows. A request to be allowed to use something gets sent to be approved by the parent, and give a window of time to use it. The night-time default setting of 10PM to 6AM isn’t does make sense if trying to push for kids to sleep (though I have always had issues getting to sleep before midnight and would be annoyed not being able to kill time online). Also seems that they are asking for the input of the people currently. So things like homework should very much be something that gets brought up by those that submit concerns/ideas to the officials.

    I am not a fan of super controlled restrictions on accessing the internet. But I also think that while more things are being put online, there is a big difference between knowing how to use something and it being just always demanding your attention. We are seeing that hyper use of social media is causing so many to further feel outcast and depressed. Especially since so much of the stuff posted is fake shit to make other people think that the person posting stuff is living such a “good/cool/wild/elite/etc life.” Just attention seeking stuff and placing the vibes or super surface level shit above real things/knowledge.

    The internet has become so much about consumerism and pushing for making us have shorter and shorter attention spans. Ads plastered everywhere and the rapid forcing of rapid fire AI generated content masking itself as humans. Rumors and click-bait shit are used to encourage reactionary sharing and acting without having ever read/watched the piece. So many of these things are already causing adults of all ages to believe nonsense. So many young folks I interact with can use the hell out of their phones and apps. But they don’t actually know how to use actual computers or even know where their files are. Just assuming that the devices will automatically do everything for them. Even real computers are being dumbed down to just copy phones/tablets and ads keep invading into the OSes themselves. Always online is really becoming a much larger issue than just parental controls. But this rant has gone on longer than I ever meant for it to. Just so much capitalist/consumerist shit being placed before any actual learning or putting people before profits.

  • I like both the 2nd and 1st ones on the 2nd row in that order. Still looks similar to the app we lost, but the new colours are good for showing that Sync is still about doing the same for Lemmy. The bottom row is more noisy to me but as long as it isn’t that last one (sorry it does look a bit too much like some kind of fascist symbol) I am good with what you go with!

  • Agreed. Like I said, I just get cagey whenever “patriotism” is used in education/laws. Obviously my life as a US citizen and our constant attempts to whitewash our history is a trigger for it just meaning to lie about things. lol, a real motherfucker to get past. But it is why I did feel like expressing it here to see how others might see it. Thank you for not attacking me for putting it out there as I was worried I would just be super downvoted and misunderstood. And I mean that too, just being clear since I have been told I sometimes come across completely wrong/sarcastic in how I write things.

  • d-RLY?@lemmygrad.mltoGenZedong@lemmygrad.mlPurity Tests
    1 year ago

    The “TL;DR” version of below is that it is not bad to have opinions of how other places do things. I agree with you. It is stupid to demand that other places do things while the place making those demands can’t even make good on those same things. I like that I have a right to free speech and many other rights. But it is also very true that the people and orgs with the real powers in the US give zero fucks about violating those rights. So pretending that we are “number one” while others are completely evil is stupid.

    Hardest part I run into is trying to just simply get more of my liberal/progressive friends/co-workers to see the self-traps they set for anything changing (outside of “vote blue and stop trying to make it easier for the Republicans!”). I both catch the shit about how “evil the CeeCeePee” is and the Russia of it all. I don’t really care about what they are doing in the way that those I know do. They see me as being brainwashed (more or less even if they don’t say it out loud) for “always defending them.” But what they misunderstand is that I am not “defending” and just try to point out how they don’t really attempt to even see the other side and how they are not questioning why our outlets seem to sync up on shit. How those outlets treat similar things done by any AES or post-socialist nations vs the US or other Western nations. I am not in those nations and just really want for those friends/co-workers to simply get out of the headspace of being binary about it all. At which point I do find the post-9/11 push for war as a good point of reference as to how most of the US was super for it up until they weren’t.

    I have plenty of things I don’t agree with or support in China/Russia/etc, but I also think that the US is the only nation I have any real reason to change. As it is the nation I live in, and it is not our place to be the sole voice of what everyone should do because we say so. We can somehow send so much money and weapons to “help” everywhere, but we can’t find fucking resources to fix our own home. Even if for some reason another nation did want us to “nation build” them. It would be a farce from the jump, as the poor and houseless in the US would be pissed off to see us make that other nation in any way better than the poorest part of the US. So it means that our efforts need to be in putting our home in order, and try to help out and work with other nations (when they actually ask for it and not by force) after. Having opinions are fine and can be helpful, but they don’t if they are just “they need to do it our way or no way.”

    There will always be things that one place does that other places will dislike. The best way to deal with many of those things requires that we unlearn the idea that we can only “fix” it by force. To be the best examples of how we would like to be treated by how we treat others. Which are nice words that lots of people of the whole class spectrum say in some form to appeal to their populaces (while most certainly acting otherwise). I think that socialism/communism are the most realistic ways to actually put those words into practice (though I will be fair to say that many real revolutionary anarchists do truly wish for this as well even with real differences in how to do it). While also requiring the most effort from each person to be alert enough to keep watch for regressions and bad faith actors that try to use the revolutions for greed.

  • YO! I know exactly what you tare talking about. I saw that same shit at some point (I think around the time it first aired), and it had honestly painted my understanding of the start of WWII badly. Especially because back then I didn’t care about learning anything about the Soviet front as they were also always spoken about as being basically the same as the Nazis. WWII is always about the US “saving the day” when talking just about the war and not the genocide elements. I even have cringe memories of parroting the “Stalin and Hitler were best buds, and that Stalin basically only ever really trusted Hitler which fucked him up when Hitler turned on him” shit. Though it is personal cringe as I never got any push back or ever corrected, thankfully I don’t think I really focused on it enough to bring up with many people. I am just glad that even one other person remembered seeing that shit to verify it being a real line of “educational material.”

  • Not sure what exact examples of what they mean by “Patriotic Education” and would like to see what ends up being put to paper. Because I think that sometimes it seems like the better phrasing would be focus on learning about Civics and making sure kids are learning to care about that stuff. As it seems to be something that most folks in the US don’t really understand at all. Which is why we are getting more and more elected officials that don’t actually know what their office is for or how it is supposed to function. At best they know that they can run on wild shit to get clout. After they win it is chaos in trying to purge or change things that aren’t the issues and they don’t understand. They just try to look at whatever stuff the last person of the opposing party did and just go hard on reversing shit just because.

    But if by “Patriotic Education” they mean creating a system of just propping up a Chinese version of what the US does with our “exceptionalism.” And just focuses on ignoring the failures or more problematic parts of their history. Then it seems like it would be a bad shift to right-wing conservatism. Which could be used to undo the gains in building towards socialism and internationalism. In that the focus of building solidarity and brotherhood between nations as each figures out how to build socialism in their own ways based on their masses is just turned into nationalism.

    But I am going with the first paragraph as the goal unless we see that the second one is what plays out. As there are already too many times that what China is trying to do is twisted by either misunderstanding or outright lies. As a person in the US I tend to get nervous when a huge push for “patriotism” being taught. So that is why I worry about the possible meaning of using those words. As it is a very imperialist headspace if done how we have done it.

  • From the little I know (which is admittedly not a lot) China did seem to be sliding towards revisionism during the late 90’s through the aughts (I think the aughts were maybe the bigger issue). In that there was so much deep corruption at all levels. Which is certainly something Xi has made a point to both acknowledge and began dealing with. I read somewhere last year or so, that it really caught the US intelligence agencies with their guards down when Chinese intelligence agents were starting to do things to show off that they knew who was in the pockets of the US and the West. I think that the issue with what has become known as “Dengism” is that the push to allow a bit of bourgeois stage of development for catching up with modern industrialism and whatnot was given too much freedom. Which allowed for folks to claim that China is socialist in name only (I really didn’t mean for that to be a pun so sorry for that). It is awesome to see that the party and the current leadership is being so focused on correcting the mistakes. While also making sure to keep pushing for advancements as China is getting closer and closer in closing the remaining gaps in technical and industrial processes.

    I just personally hope that they are able to push for getting the 996 stuff removed. I know they did rule that it isn’t constitutional, but it is still (from what I can gather) a thing that is a mindset and just kind of expected in various industries. Which being fair to China isn’t just a them thing, as it is in Japanese and Korean cultures too. But that is all just my opinion and I am not Chinese, and haven’t been there or worked there. So I am willing to yield to being super wrong on that and really all the above.

  • I am really not looking forward to the massive reactionary hate to stuff like this the second a news article highlights even one bad actor. The for-profit “news” outlets will all run similar pieces about how “dangerous” it is now, and will most certainly be busting out charts made by Google and Apple. Which will of course leave out the fact that both companies already have constant issues with bad actors. I don’t have anything that uses iOS, but the Play Store has been filled with predatory and fake versions of apps for forever. And it is the mainstream users that are always installing these apps that are spamming them all them time. While at the same time never ever questioning if anything is wrong.

    Kind of like how those same people used to just live with a half filled screen of IE toolbars and just thought it was just “new features from Microsoft”. Same currently goes for Chrome and Chromium based browsers and the spam extensions. I daily see spam browsers that have been installed and taken over the default. And the folks that are coming to have their computers looked at just never ever noticed. Most of them come in for completely unrelated issues (though some are as their PCs are slower), and are really shocked when I stop and point out how they might have been giving info to scammers.

  • Didn’t mean to write so much and rant. But the main point of agreement with you is the first paragraph.

    You are likely correct on the fact that normie users are pissed off. One of my co-workers (that always reminds me he doesn’t use Reddit aside from if he needs to sell or trade PC parts) wouldn’t stfu about how it was stupid and “all just about some power-tripping mods” all because HardwareSwap was considering going longer and he was trying to list some parts (due to a different freakout reaction over needing to downsize his PC to have money in savings after a mass purge of some leaders at work). He was mildly okay with it at first because the automods thing being impacted by the new API stuff. All that “okayness” was completely right out the window after that specific thing was adjusted by Reddit.

    So while he isn’t a normal day to day viewer of the site, I imagine that most of the “I don’t pay attention to politics/policies” users (which I think of as the bulk “normie” mainstream users) are not far behind his sentiment. I did ask if he tried other options, like big Discord servers like LTT/GN or other big PC based YT channel fan servers. Or even forums of those channels/sites. He just wanted to removed about the amount of users being so low. Which I also reminded him that r/HardwareSwap was tiny at some point too and there were smaller subs that he could at least try as they would have higher traffic while the big ones were down.

    Protests are supposed to make people frustrated and cause normal operations to be messed up. But in the US, we are just taught to hate anyone or groups that dare protest in ways that impact daily functions. We are told that the only “correct” protests are to be in a pre-selected spot out of the way of everyone else. Or maybe a one-off march with speakers just saying how things are wrong and have people cheer and then leave. And reactionaries are supposed to be the ones that everyone supports because they are (like the majority of people/users) “not hear for politics and don’t care.” They are also the main thing stopping new unions from forming. Which does seem to line up with how much Lenin was correct in speaking about no revolutions are going to win if those folks can’t be won over. Which requires being fully ready and willing to be lashed out at, and stand firm in keeping up the effort and care about them no matter what.

  • Thanks for this post! It also now makes me wish that Lemmygrad (and really all instances of Lemmy) had an “OutOfTheLoop” community. It has been a big favorite subreddit of mine for awhile. Even if lots of the topics are drama things, but they are still weirdly interesting to read.

  • The old “hate the sin and not the sinner” bullshit. This shit is the Russian equivalent to “MAGA Communism”. Such utter support of conservatism and “traditionalism” has no place in the revolution. This perversion that claims to be a “communist party” would be purged if comrade Lenin were alive today. They are just as much the enemy as capitalists, fascists, and monarchs. Right wing shit like this belongs with Nazbols. If I remember correctly, one of the top CPRF leaders literally wanted the Russian Federation flag to be changed back to the flag of the USSR. Just because they claimed “things were better with that flag” or something like that. Not because people had equality or any of the actual shit that made those better times. Just wanted to use the imagery of socialism/communism to paint over the bad shit and act like everything is good. I’ll see if I can find that article and reply to this with the link.