system settings -> mouse & touchpad -> touchpad -> device enabled
I’m on PC so the dualsense is the only touchpad. can’t say how the settings are laid out on a laptop with built-in touchpad.
system settings -> mouse & touchpad -> touchpad -> device enabled
I’m on PC so the dualsense is the only touchpad. can’t say how the settings are laid out on a laptop with built-in touchpad.
i had the same issue. just disable the touchpad in plasma settings.
they don’t. some distros like fedora aren’t shipping xorg sessions by default anymore. that has nothing to do with xwayland. op is misinformed.
Steve Jobs died one week earlier.
IIRC it was Planetary Annihilation and the guy ranting wasn’t even a programmer.
Prison sentence up to 5 years.
i use TOTP with definitely weird but i rarely log into the web interface. i just use imap and webdav clients.